music_fan_1015 wrote:
well It does not help being obsessed with music, I try to talk about other stuff but fail miserably.
The women I'm chatting to don't really seem to get the complexities of how much I enjoy music, and the collecting of.
Women of my age (37), music is just something you put on in the background sometimes.
I am guilty of trying too hard, which will appear scarey.
I will try to think of all the things that make me who I am apart from music.
Thanks for your comments
This just means that these women are boorish morons who have nothing in common with you.
Oh wow, you love music... don't we all? I bet that there will be some lady out there who shares the same interests as you -- you just gotta keep looking, my friend.
And please don't get too despondent with online relationships; contrary to what the media says about them, they can work and they are not exclusive to losers, but both parties must exercise both patience and extreme caution.
I think what makes them work, from what I've observed with friends and acquaintances online, is that it's better to develop these kind of relationships with people of the opposite sex to whom you've developed friendships with online. After you've talked with them for so long, both of you will have some sense of comfort and a lack of tension, which increases the chances of a possible relationship (if she is single, that is).
Lesson is: patience is a virtue, and you just gotta keep typing on your keyboard for the right bird to come along.