Hey there...I'm here tonight with something that's troubling me.
My question is...does loving another country's national anthem more then your own make you unpatriotic?
You see, more then 20 years ago, when I was watching 'Rocky IV', I heard the Soviet Union national anthem for the first time, and I thought to myself "Damn...that's beautiful, even if I don't know what they're singing."
And only 2 nights ago, I found a sound file of that very anthem in ENGLISH! And sung by the great Paul Robeson, no less! When I finished listening to it...my eyes were damp, and I felt...so at peace. I felt more love and pride in hearing that Soviet anthem then I EVER FELT listening to my own country's.
Does that make me a bad American? Comments please.
Oh, and if anyone wants to hear that anthem, I'll post a link in future if it's allowed.