I used to have all Windows sounds disabled for the longest time, but now I'm kind of okay with them, especially since I usually have music running anyway. It is kind of annoying when a website keeps refreshing itself, though.
As for hard drive clicking, I've got a SATA drive now, that thing is silent
One noise that bugs me to no end is noisy fans
I had a video card once that had a noisy fan, eventually I gave up and took it out, and replaced it with a slightly inferior card
prillix wrote:
Now its a few years later and i realised, blue LED lights are horribly annoying.
There's a blue power LED on my case, and that thing lights up my entire room and literally blinds me to look directly at >_< So I did an old trick I used to do with my Gameboy Color...get a piece of...I always forget what it's called...labelmaker? Those things you type on and they punch out letters on strips of plastic, and you can peel off the wax paper and stick them to stuff...anyway, get a little piece of that tape (that hasn't been used yet) and cut off a piece, cut it into a circle, and stick it right over the offending LED. Idunno if it's all like this, but the roll of tape we have isn't completely opaque, so you can still tell the LED is shining, it's just a whole lot dimmer.
I'll brave the storm to come, for it surely looks like rain...