SPCDavid wrote:
Could Asperger's syndrome be the next fight or flight response?
Asperger's Syndrome is not a 'fight or flight response', superficially it appears very unlikely to proliferate pervasively throughout the gene-pool by means other than genetic drift.
I'm not antropoogist, but after we as humans progressed from the hunter/gatherer stage, our survival must've been dependent on more than just running or fighting.
The survival of anatomically modern humans has always depended on more than just running and/or fighting.
We had to learn a skill set and stick with it (your life could depend on a relatively limited skill set).
Anatomically modern humans are adapted for developmental plasticity. The autistic population (as a group) has atypical deficits in this area (in my opinion).
Being primed for developmental plasticity seems advantageous for a creature with our other traits. We have the ability to adapt within a generation to very different life-ways, subsistence strategies, ecologies, etc, yet still produce specialists and generalists as needs require. I am having difficulty seeing the advantage to autistics when comparing the autistic and non-autistic populations in regards to developmental plasticity and/or ability to specialize balanced against ability to generalize, in the context of historic or modern survival/reproductive fitness.
AS entails interest in a relatively limited subjects. As a whole, society can benefit from the collaboration of people with the right kind of limited skill sets. It makes me wonder if this is just natures response to our needs.
Nature does not respond to our needs. Species fitness is not what the process of natural selection is focussed on.
If arranged marriages were common, it wouldn't matter what kind of social skills you had, it would be about prospects.
If arranged marriages were going to cause autism to occur at higher rates, those higher rates have already occurred and we can expect autism rates to decline (and rise) in tandem. Perhaps you could look into the existence of such a correlation if you wished to further explore your hypothesis.
And now that you think about it, people are spending less face to face time than ever. Will subtle expressions even play a role in the near future?
I very much expect they will.
I know not everyone believes i evolution. I'm only exploring a possibility.
I do not know that you are exploring a possibility, but it's a bit unclear to me quite what you are exploring.