I have been, and originally it was by my desire. Outside of a couple times later, I don't think I EVER have on accident. I think I first was when I was like 6. BTW the two times that were on accident were once on a plug, that was hard to remove, I slipped, and once I didn't discharge a power capacitor when I should have, and slipped onto it. The times I did it on purpose were to make sure an inductor worked. I was never in a place where I was in danger, and outside of the almost buzzing feeling, and reflex, I saw no effect. Also, I know how elecricity works, and how it can kill/destroy, so I always prevent that problem. The short point was ALWAYS RIGHT BACK to the circuit.
BTW I once was laughed at by a shop teacher after I revealed I turned off the power to a switch I replaced for a principal at my highschool. HE said I didn't have to. He was right, but I am not going to take chances where I don't have more control. I replaced his switch, with no problem, or shock, etc... BTW About that teacher! I have more fingers(ALL TEN) than HE did! GRANTED, he lost his in sawing accidents, but my point is that I was more careful. BTW I ALSO had a classmate that pulled a stupid stunt on a train, ended up getting caught in ELECTRIFIED cable, and lost both his legs!
BTW This all happened BECAUSE I was unusual. It didn't change me one bit.