Saffy wrote:
Can you give an example of the type of "social lies " you are thinking about ?
I can give you an example. Kind of long
About 9 years ago I got my first computer, got online, ect.. Every xmas eve I get together at my grandmas and see family, this is usally the only time of year I get to see most of them. My cousin, Stacy is there and we always talk and have a good time. I always wanted to talk with her, maybe get together a few times thoughout the year.
Well that xmas eve we were talking and I told her how I got a computer and online and I really enjoyed it. She said she would like to email me and we can talk during the year, not just on xmas eve. I thought great, this will be cool. I give her my email address. A whole year goes by, not one email. I asked her about next xmas eve and she laughed at me and said she just said that to be nice. Just part of conversation, ect. I was like "well when I tell someone I'm going to do something I do my best to do it." Everyone else there thought it was no big deal, but I thought it was very cruel and cold hearted.
I will never forgive her for this and every xmas eve I remind her what a b***h she was.