slowmutant wrote:
Has Jenny wronged you in any way? Has she done you any personal harm? You, personally.
I am a man with Aspergers; she claims a falsity that cheapens and perverts the reality if my life, causes harm to children in the idea of "good", masqeurades as a pro, uses her status as a battering ram for dangerous fringe theories, and is dumb as a wet plank.
If she were canine her inane barkings would be cause enough to put her to sleep; much as that temptation is not lessened by her barely human state and anti-scientific practices.
She has harmed me by merely being the embodiement of evil in my philosophies.
So, yes, she has wronged me by claiming to know more of my origins than I. An insult!
The b***h must pay.
Oh, well, fancy that! Isn't that neat, eh?