Yes, me too. Weekends depress me, because there's this division between weekdays for "business" and weekends for "pleasure" (or "recreation"), which creates expectation that other people are doing fun stuff (what they enjoy, with their friends), but I've no one to have fun with myself.
Weekdays are only better because some days I have counseling appointments, where I pour out my woe & misery each week. Statred going to support group (not for AS, there isn't one in my area-but for overall mental problems). These don't help the rest of the time, though: mornings, evenings, and days I have no other scheduled social interaction.
Am too anxious & ill-at-ease outdoors, in public, to just magically meet strangers & become familiar with them, in hopes of eventually reaching friendship stage/level. Plus have lotsa' negative feelings/appraisals of self, which interfere with being shiny happy pleasant nice, so that makes people avoid me-and the cycle repeats (of "if I were so great, I wouldn't be so miserable & lacking people in my life-instead, people would like me & I'd be able to make friends-but, sadly, I'm alone & lonely so it must be my fault."). Aaargh.
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*