Medicinal Herbs
there's thousands of different types of hemp and cannabis, all giving different effects.. i imagine the kind used for medicines is pure bred for that purpose.
just be careful who you buy it from... if you buy something laced with chemicals you might as well snort coke.. you have to make sure you're getting clean, naturaly grown stuff.
And those who say things like this should be careful using the word fool,
thats some mighty big stones you got there in that glass house, throwing
them around would not be wise
*watches in aw as the stones fly in every direction and glass falls to the ground*
I`ve had dotors trying to medicate me with things i wouldn`t give to my
worst enemy. So i dont blindly eat every piece of crap a doc say i should
eat as many do - no thanks doc, i dont feel like shorting out my brain today
just to make it easy here and now. Some of the s**t they tried to give me is
today not legal anymore, it was pulled from the market because of bad side-
effects. And this they wanted me to eat, to eat alot of? Hell no! thats just dumb.
I always felt like i guinea pig at the doctors office ""here, eat this, its new and it
might work. if not eat these and two of those. if you can operate a phone in
the morning and call me, it would be a f-ing miracle so call guiness instead
if that happens. oh and you might get a blinding migrane as a sideeffect""
ok....f**k that, i`m out of here, i`d rather just feel like s**t. Still to this day
can not belive! that 3! doctors tried to feed me something that later turned
out to send people into rages killing other people, and that was one of the
least bad sideeffect

eat lots and lots of these".. if i hadn`t used my head, read a little and made
up my own mind i would have swallowed it just because they said so.
I just dont belive it, its insane what they tried to do. I should sue them, seriously.
I mean, jeeez i was just a kid, they tried to show a pile of heavy drugs down
a kids throat. I didnt do it, i saw the danger and in the end it turned out i was
right. So...i see it, and they dont? they are doctors aren`t they? how does things
like that happen? I told them i was very sceptic and why, that was brushed away
and they insisted! that i had to eat it, give it a shot. its just insane. A doctor is
a person with knowledge in the medical field, not much more. I can read and
open a door, and its not magic they are doing from a secret source of knowledge,
so i trust them no more then i trust myself. And with good reason. There are good
docs and bad docs, but they are all regular human beings who fail, no matter
how much they know. Just look at the ones that tried to feed me happypills,
massive fail guys, massive screaming fail on your part. Luckily i saw "fail" written
all over it and kept my distance, thank God! or something.
And of course, the fact that meds are big big buisness with alot of $ in it,
has nothing to do with docs giving it out like there was no tomorrow

of course not, its just money that would be weird, right? yeah right..
""what, your 7 year old made a noise? dont like the sound of,
give him 5 of these 10 times a day until he just sits there and cant spell his
name, that outta do it - here`s the bill btw""
And those who say things like this should be careful using the word fool,
thats some mighty big stones you got there in that glass house, throwing
them around would not be wise
*watches in aw as the stones fly in every direction and glass falls to the ground*
I`ve had dotors trying to medicate me with things i wouldn`t give to my
worst enemy. So i dont blindly eat every piece of crap a doc say i should
eat as many do - no thanks doc, i dont feel like shorting out my brain today
just to make it easy here and now. Some of the sh** they tried to give me is
today not legal anymore, it was pulled from the market because of bad side-
effects. And this they wanted me to eat, to eat alot of? Hell no! thats just dumb.
I always felt like i guinea pig at the doctors office ""here, eat this, its new and it
might work. if not eat these and two of those. if you can operate a phone in
the morning and call me, it would be a f-ing miracle so call guiness instead
if that happens. oh and you might get a blinding migrane as a sideeffect""
ok....f**k that, i`m out of here, i`d rather just feel like sh**. Still to this day
can not belive! that 3! doctors tried to feed me something that later turned
out to send people into rages killing other people, and that was one of the
least bad sideeffect

eat lots and lots of these".. if i hadn`t used my head, read a little and made
up my own mind i would have swallowed it just because they said so.
I just dont belive it, its insane what they tried to do. I should sue them, seriously.
I mean, jeeez i was just a kid, they tried to show a pile of heavy drugs down
a kids throat. I didnt do it, i saw the danger and in the end it turned out i was
right. So...i see it, and they dont? they are doctors aren`t they? how does things
like that happen? I told them i was very sceptic and why, that was brushed away
and they insisted! that i had to eat it, give it a shot. its just insane. A doctor is
a person with knowledge in the medical field, not much more. I can read and
open a door, and its not magic they are doing from a secret source of knowledge,
so i trust them no more then i trust myself. And with good reason. There are good
docs and bad docs, but they are all regular human beings who fail, no matter
how much they know. Just look at the ones that tried to feed me happypills,
massive fail guys, massive screaming fail on your part. Luckily i saw "fail" written
all over it and kept my distance, thank God! or something.
And of course, the fact that meds are big big buisness with alot of $ in it,
has nothing to do with docs giving it out like there was no tomorrow

of course not, its just money that would be weird, right? yeah right..
""what, your 7 year old made a noise? dont like the sound of,
give him 5 of these 10 times a day until he just sits there and cant spell his
name, that outta do it - here`s the bill btw""
That's really intense man..
I wish you would use that story and get it printed in a newspaper or something,
or exploit it as much as you could...
because i know how corrupt the system is, front to back, left to right... it's all fucked
fail indeed...
And it's pretty easy to tell the good doctors from the bad doctors... the bad ones try to score brownie points with the drug companies..
I tried, once. It actually made me more nervous than usual. Maybe it was an interaction or something...sigh...anyway I look back on it as one of my stupider ideas, especially since I'm also on Wellbutrin.
?Evil? No. Cursed?! No. COATED IN CHOCOLATE?! Perhaps. At one time. But NO LONGER.?
naturally grown, NON-LACED cannabis would not f**k with you like that, although i admit there are different varieties and some nowadays are much more powerful then they used to be.. but don't let the lack of care in the cannabis community throw your vote out the window. I had many similar experiences with cannabis.. if you don't know how to control the high, then it can really f**k with you.. it kind of goes in the direction that you're already feeling, like mushrooms, or wine..
naturally grown, NON-LACED cannabis would not f**k with you like that, although i admit there are different varieties and some nowadays are much more powerful then they used to be.. but don't let the lack of care in the cannabis community throw your vote out the window. I had many similar experiences with cannabis.. if you don't know how to control the high, then it can really f**k with you.. it kind of goes in the direction that you're already feeling, like mushrooms, or wine..
Oh, no, I don't think it was the weed itself - I think it just interacted badly with my medication.
?Evil? No. Cursed?! No. COATED IN CHOCOLATE?! Perhaps. At one time. But NO LONGER.?
I would have thought more people here have tried pot.
Oct 5 was my 2 year anniversary of QUITTING, after 11 years (age 17-27).
When I started, I thought I'd found god. I smoked for years, kind of compulsively. It made me extremely anxious, nervous, but also very creative....with words, songwriting. Made me excruciatingly sensitive to EVERYTHING. It's very psychoactive.
I finally decided I was a nervous wreck, and quit. Just quit.
There was valuable experience, but I'm glad I quit. It's a strange subject. I recommend trying it, for sure, once in your life. Just KNOW that you are plunging head-first into a human abyss.
As for the dangers of "laced" weed, etc. Ha! It's pretty simple stuff. It's organic. If it's laced, you can tell. It will smell like windex, or be gross looking. Cheap, clean weed is pretty. Expensive, conoisseur weed is beautiful.
However, you couldn't pay me to use any of it anymore!