my favorite kind of worst games are ones that aren't just bad games, but are such critical and commercial failures we feel their ripple effect for years to come. fiascoes or bust!
i mean E.T. is a bad game, but the reason it's remembered is because so much money got tied into it that it's failure not only sank Atari, it nearly sank the video game industry completely. and then Atari continues to muck things up afterward with the Jaguar and games like Alone in the Dark.
lots of people reference the Sega CD and 32X, but what I love is the CD-X, essentially a Sega CD and Genesis in one unit. the only problem was that Sega sold it for $400, which was more than buying the two units separately. then of course there's deciding to release the Saturn early, but it just left the system with very little software because the developers though they had another six months until the games were meant to be completed.
there's Daikatana, need i say more?
ooo! and then there's Dave Mirra's BMX XXX. oh that was just beautiful.
hey, if you're gonna fail, fail big. then you'll become the stuff of legend.
OH GOODIE! - Three Chords in Three Panels
NEVER NORMAL - Saving the World Between Sketchbooks