Mw99 wrote:
I thought about taking the MENSA entrance exam, but talked myself out of taking it because I heard that it mainly measures verbal intelligence, which I suck at, and because I know I would be setting myself up for a life long depression if I take an IQ test and it turns out that my IQ is like 105 or 107.
Is there any MENSA member here? I was just wondering if you could tell me more about what the entrance exam is like.
I'm Mensa member. I don't know where you are, but in my country it has to be the official Mensa-Test, not any kind of IQ test. It took 5 hours, every 5 or 7 minutes we had to turn the page to new questions. But I do not think its verbal oriented, it has a lot of logic and memorizing tests, many are with numbers or geopetric forms. The trick is, to do it all quickly. The tests are so easy that even with IQ-below 100 you could do it, but it would take longer. So you would have to go quickly through every page to solve nearly all questions in the given 5 or 7 minutes. That can be trained however, so that you know in an instant, what is expected of you on that special page without loosing too much time finding out. There are Mensa-training-tests and also training books (not Mensa) and Computer-programmes for IQ training and self-test.
That helps esp. an aspie, because the tests are made in large groups with sometines sticky air and distracting noise....
But more important: why would you want to be a Mensa Member?
I joined before I was diagnosed aspie, I thought I might find people like me in that group. But it was not at all like that - most of them are soooo stupidly social, all is about getting together and gossip, and about competition for posts and influence etc.... ihhhh. And there are a lot of persons in there, that have a high IQ but no education, no interest in anything, nothing to say or a no good character - just like everywhere in groups I guess.
But you find a higher percentage of aspies in there than you can ever imagine and there sub-groups withing Mensa for aspies, but as they do not like to travel far for huge parties, they all cannot profit much from the typical Mensa activities.
I de-activated my Mensa membership for the time being, I found that a high IQ is not so much a common element as a basis for friendship than I thought. But since I passed the test once, I can re-activate my membership at any time.
I hope that helps.