Fnord wrote:
If you have AB Blood, and you have a child by a mother with type...
AA, your child could have type AA or AB (50/50).
AO, your child could have type AA, AB, AO, or BO (25/25/25/25).
AB, your child could have type AA, AB, or BB (25/50/25).
BB, your child could have type BB or AB (50/50).
BO, your child could have type AB, BB, AO, or BO (25/25/25/25).
AO reacts the same as AA, and BO reacts the same as BB.
(I've been through enough paternity tests to have all of this memorized.)
Well I guess this is one Aspie who hasn't had to struggle with celibacy
That's just a blurt, I'm not trying to be rude...
Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?
Last edited by Blindspot149 on 03 Nov 2009, 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.