Aspies - Ever get suspended/expeled?

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28 Nov 2008, 5:40 pm

I was expelled because I didn't think before I spoke... I was having a bad day, and this guy in class sees that I am nearly red in the face to keep from yelling. Hilarity ensues.... Kinda.

'Hey man, Joo got a list? Going to go blow up the school, eh?' (He had a really bad Mexican accent)
'No, I don't have a list. I'm not going to blow up the school.'

Well... as I speak good ol Murphy's Law kicks in as the two blondest girls in school are walking back from the bathroom (I'll question why they do that in numbers later) and hear me speak.

Next morning the city police take me out of math class and we all have a nice day.


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29 Nov 2008, 4:13 am

I got suspened all the time when I was in public school. They soon started to realise that I was acting up TO get suspended so they would give me inschool suspensions. I never had a dentention because I was still in elementry and I would have probably had severe PTSD from it if I did because I had an intense phobia of being left places and such because of early childhood expirences.


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29 Nov 2008, 9:04 am

PunkyKat wrote:
They soon started to realise that I was acting up TO get suspended.

What, just to get out of school?

I'm currently working on getting put in isolation because:

a) I won't have to listen to all the jackasses in class.
and b) I'm writing a book where the main character gets put in isolation, and I don't actually know what it's like cos I've never been in.

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
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29 Nov 2008, 9:59 am

I've never been suspended or expelled. Although I have just left the school a few times. :lol:

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29 Nov 2008, 10:00 pm

I've been suspended once in high school on something completely ludicrous, which is basically being a smart aleck. I had it up to my head with people treating me wrong and I was as hell not going to take it anymore, so I basically said that I would never have a kind word to say about this place ever again.

Next day, I burn everyone down with a bunch of verbal assaults because of something that was said to me three days ago. I end up getting suspended, I say, "Thank you, I needed a day off...I'm sure that even Hitler had mercy for the Jews."

I get two more detentions for that remark.

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30 Nov 2008, 1:58 am

Suspended twice and expelled once. Expulsion was in pre-k. It wasn't worth the effort for them to have me mixed in with the other kids. Suspended once in elementary and middle school for fights. I rather not get into details, but I just wish people would of left me alone. Everyone would of had a much more peaceful life. I haven't been in any kind of fight or argument since high school. I'm pretty calm compared to back then. No one around to mess with me now.

30 Nov 2008, 2:53 am

I have been suspended in 6th grade and in 7th grade. I have been given lunch detention a few times. I got in school suspension one time when I was 17.


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30 Nov 2008, 9:20 pm

Suspension for punching a stalker.

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The end of existence is near.
Will the demon inside,
End it all?

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01 Dec 2008, 4:06 am

Back in middle school I was getting in school suspensions all the time, and even managed to net myself an out of school suspension one time (only for a day though). The only reason I ever got into that much trouble though was because I was the kid the entire school picked on (no exaggeration there unfortunately). As a result I was constantly being punished for being involved in fights that I didn't start or didn't want to be in. I got in trouble for things other kids would to me (for example, we had these plastic lunch cards. First day they were handed out some kids crumpled it up while I was away from my desk. The school didn't like that and I got yelled at by faculty until they would listen to me when I told them that I wasn't the one who did it). I would even get in trouble for following the rules (ex: for a few weeks our class kept getting lectured because some idiots were throwing wet wads of toilet paper onto the ceiling in the bathrooms. Well I saw them doing it one day and told a teacher who was standing outside the bathroom. Immediately he accuses me of being a part of it despite the fact that I was the one who told on them in the first place. I tried explaining this simple logic to him but he didn't listen. I tried doing the same to the vice principle but she didn't listen either, especially when one of the little bastards admitted to doing it and implicated me in order to get back at me for getting them in trouble. I ended up having to help clean the bathrooms as punishment).

Needless to say I hated middle school. Also needless to say my disciplinary record was a train wreck by the end of 8th grade.


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01 Dec 2008, 7:10 am

I got expelled two weeks of school because my behaviour was "unacceptable". I was very aggressive at that time, I was 12 years old and living in Shanghai, China.
Last year, I got suspended many times, mostly by my mother's initiative. She said it would be good for me. It only made the things worsen.

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01 Dec 2008, 3:20 pm

Never got expelled or suspended once. I wasn't much of a troublemaker or anything though. There were a couple of kids who during my first year in high school tried to make my life miserable. I then encouraged one of their friends to start vandalizing the bath rooms, which they all started getting involved with (as I expected). Once I was sure they were all involved I spilled the beans. They never found out it was me but one of them was expelled and the other was suspended for a long time. I think they both had to pay a lot of money for repairs as well. Definitely worth it. People with AS, be cunning and you'll always win.


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01 Dec 2008, 5:27 pm

I had detention once and was sent to the office a few times, mainly for fighting with other students, and once for throwing a book at a female student.


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03 Dec 2008, 5:16 am

I've been excluded many times for reacting to people who start incidents. They blame it on me, even though they start these things. One time, someone insulted my whole family, so i punched them. Guess who got in trouble for it. People throw stones at my head, i throw them back. Guess whos in trouble. No prizes for getting it right.

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03 Dec 2008, 5:39 am



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03 Dec 2008, 2:59 pm

i was suspended at least once a year from grade 4 to grade 8 for fights (people would bully/tease me until i had a meltdown, i'd start hitting people, get suspended, come back, and then people would call me a psycho and tease me more) and i got expelled from a private school after about 2 months for having a meltdown after being bullied and teased repeatedly.

in high school i can only remember one suspension, but i think there might have been a second one for something. i was playing with fire crackers on school property and got caught. it was an internal suspension, so i stayed at school but i had to work in the kitchen, clean the school, etc. (i went to a boarding school, external suspension was when you were sent home).

my parents would punish me by making me do chores around the house, make me study, etc. while i was suspended for the first few years, but eventually they stopped bothering. i think they realized that punishing me wasn't accomplishing anything and were trying to find out how to stop my meltdowns so i visited some psychologists, counsellors, etc.

as for the internal suspension, they didn't care too much, i think they knew it was just teenage mischief and were glad it wasn't for another fight.


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03 Dec 2008, 4:54 pm

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
PunkyKat wrote:
They soon started to realise that I was acting up TO get suspended.

What, just to get out of school?

Yes. I hated school. I was abused on the daily basis by teachers and picked on mercily by other kids. I wanted to do my own thing and had no concept of what a grade was and didn't care. The only solution was for my parents to take me out and homeschool me.

I got suspended for hitting kids when they got too close (I can feel people's energy or "chi" when I get close to them or they get close to me and it is physicaly painful), hitting kids when they picked on me, biting a kid (he kept shoving his fingers in my face and daring me. I broke the skin and put him in his place), shoving a kid into a locker because I thought he was making fun of me, the teacher grabed my arm to take me to the principal and was so hard she cut off circulation and the only way to make her let go was to bite her (she left a HUGE bruse).