If i have to choose, i take the cannabis over
alcohol any day of the week. Smoking cannabis
causes the negative effects of smoking, but
theres no reason to since theres ways to
extract the oil and put it in food. Some of
the most well balanced, peaceful people
i know have used cannabis now and then
for the last 20-30 years instead of other
things and have no problems. 15 year
olds getting stoned the first thing they do
in the morning every day smoking crap
will probably have some problems. Other
people i have met cant take it, they stress
and feel very bad - its like everything else,
it works for some and for others not.
Personally, after many many years of
learning about this i can safely say its
one of the least dangerous things we have,
(but that doens`t mean it fits everybody)
in many cases it has a good effect but it
have to be good quality. If you eat bad
food you get sick. If you use bad drugs,
you get sick.
One of the latest studys i saw showed some
result pointing to some parts of cannabis
helping against alzheimers. Its a painkiller
and its more and more used amongst
cancer patients and others. In adition
the plant itself is one of the biggest and
best resourches we have, it grows so much
faster then trees, needs much less to thrive
and have more areas of use then trees. But
sadly, due to the drug hysteria of the 1930`s
and the "marihuana kills you" propaganda
reliezed then, we are still trying to erradicate
one of our biggest resourches on this planet
Its riddicolous.
To compare cannabis and alcohol is almost impossible,
its two drugs but two completly different things. If i
had to put danger labels on them, i would say alcohol
is at least three times more dangerous then cannabis
in every way, at least three times. I have been in so
many drunken idiotic brawls but i have yet to see
anyone who is adult and use cannabis with sense go
berzerk, never. In fact, its often quite the opposite,
its well-spoken smart people who appriciates peace
and intelligent conversation and do not wish anyone
any harm, they use it for recreation, instead of drinking
and turning into raving morons ready to split skulls.
Last edited by ImTheGuyThatDidThat on 08 Dec 2008, 4:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.