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16 Dec 2008, 9:57 am

Come on people lets have a group meltdown,
can everyone say Tantrums?!

place your b***h's here and describe the things that most
commonly or have in the past caused you to have a meltdown,
come on let out some good rants! let it rip.


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16 Dec 2008, 10:02 am

I think that is about all you need to know... My life was hell on earth till about 4 years after diagnosis... as it took that long to recover from treatment for a disorder I didn't have.


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16 Dec 2008, 10:15 am

Spending 6 years in the military, doing search and rescue and putting my life on the line saving other people's lives and property, to earn educational benefits and develop my ability to live independently, and struggling for years studying as an honors student and obsessive woman over a book day after day, night after night, only to have some pencil-neck geek professors decide to make their hard-ons my job to deal with. If I wanted to be in research, I was going to be made to "pay to play" their way, by giving them sex and putting up with harassment, on top of the 80 hours a week I was working and the tuition I was paying.

I can't lie and I can't force myself to have sex with someone I don't want to sleep with. And my mind is not good for anything other than research, which is all I want to do. So my life is broken.



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16 Dec 2008, 10:18 am

Perhaps you should tell the harassing research guys, to keep their dicks in check. That you're not going to be their babysitter, and help them cause they can't control their wee-wees. That might give them a hint, they can't pull s**t with you.


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16 Dec 2008, 10:57 am

ephemerella wrote:
Spending 6 years in the military, doing search and rescue and putting my life on the line saving other people's lives and property, to earn educational benefits and develop my ability to live independently, and struggling for years studying as an honors student and obsessive woman over a book day after day, night after night, only to have some pencil-neck geek professors decide to make their hard-ons my job to deal with. If I wanted to be in research, I was going to be made to "pay to play" their way, by giving them sex and putting up with harassment, on top of the 80 hours a week I was working and the tuition I was paying.

I can't lie and I can't force myself to have sex with someone I don't want to sleep with. And my mind is not good for anything other than research, which is all I want to do. So my life is broken.

I think that is where you call it sexual harrassment and give them a dose of local authority. If people like that are in a research enironment, they need more than to keep their pants on, and need to know that their field of research isn't personal sexual experience, and should never involve it.


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16 Dec 2008, 12:32 pm

Padium wrote:
ephemerella wrote:
Spending 6 years in the military, doing search and rescue and putting my life on the line saving other people's lives and property, to earn educational benefits and develop my ability to live independently, and struggling for years studying as an honors student and obsessive woman over a book day after day, night after night, only to have some pencil-neck geek professors decide to make their hard-ons my job to deal with. If I wanted to be in research, I was going to be made to "pay to play" their way, by giving them sex and putting up with harassment, on top of the 80 hours a week I was working and the tuition I was paying.

I can't lie and I can't force myself to have sex with someone I don't want to sleep with. And my mind is not good for anything other than research, which is all I want to do. So my life is broken.

I think that is where you call it sexual harrassment and give them a dose of local authority. If people like that are in a research enironment, they need more than to keep their pants on, and need to know that their field of research isn't personal sexual experience, and should never involve it.

I had a lawsuit & it went on for about 9 years, up to the Supreme Court twice on sovereign immunity challenges (never heard), finally I dismissed it b/c it was pointless. It's very difficult to sue public universities & sexually corrupt professors b/c they are state actors. They enjoy the immunity status of "state officials" -- as if they were running the highway system. The whole of academia exists in a sheltered ivory tower and student abuse is all hidden and ignored. The only truly safe schools for a sexually attractive AS female are private Ivy Leagues, because they are filled with better services and private schools can be sued so they aren't as negligent to student abuse. There is no public school worth going to unless it has a true honor code like University of Virginia that goes both ways -- the University honors the students' rights as well as have a tough student honor code. Most other public universities just have sham processes in place, like the University of Maryland does (will do anything to protect an important professor).

Padium wrote:

I think that is about all you need to know... My life was hell on earth till about 4 years after diagnosis... as it took that long to recover from treatment for a disorder I didn't have.

This is horrible. I was really touched by your story. I was punished for speaking out and trying to complain about the sexual harassment, and it just escalated my complaints. They were acting as if they were trying to break me or teach me a lesson. When in fact they were only being more abusive of my condition. I felt as if my mind was being broken, instead. But the University was in fact, under the guise of trying to muscle me into silencing my complaints, just oppresively retaliating to cover up the misbehavior of the professors. What you went though was probably quite psychologically abusive and traumatic, too.


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16 Dec 2008, 12:42 pm

ephemerella wrote:
Padium wrote:
ephemerella wrote:
Padium wrote:

I think that is about all you need to know... My life was hell on earth till about 4 years after diagnosis... as it took that long to recover from treatment for a disorder I didn't have.

This is horrible. I was really touched by your story. I was punished for speaking out and trying to complain about the sexual harassment, and it just escalated my complaints. They were acting as if they were trying to break me or teach me a lesson. When in fact they were only being more abusive of my condition. I felt as if my mind was being broken, instead. But the University was in fact, under the guise of trying to muscle me into silencing my complaints, just oppresively retaliating to cover up the misbehavior of the professors. What you went though was probably quite psychologically abusive and traumatic, too.

Yeah, my parents hid the fact that I had ever been misdiagnosed that way... They only ever told me because I told them I was never going to work with a social worker again because of how abusive and hurtful they are. He explained why that was... and I still think there is a place reserved in hell for them, and I probably will never get over that hate. Will I ever be willing to work with a social worker... Only if I absolutly must and there is no way to possibly even in the slightest realm of possibility avoid it.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Dec 2008, 2:05 pm


She's not really my sister in law. I'm not married. But I've been with this guy for 5 years and we have a baby now and since the first night I met her she has done nothing but backstab me in an effort to break us up. She is every Aspie's worst nightmare - The Stereotypical Neurotypical. Did you ever see mean girls?? Yeah, evil takes human form as "Katie". Not only is she the biggest f*****g liar you will ever meet in your life, not only does she mettle in the lives of everyone around her in an effort to manipulate them into doing whatever's convenient for her, but if you ever try to stand your ground she hides behind this phony "I was only trying to help in the name of love and concern". And then she will cry and cry and all her friends will surround her and scold you for being so mean to sweet little Katie.

Any time I confront her about trying to break us up she blames it on some friend and says she was unwittingly used as a pawn in this little friend's scheme to get rid of me. EVERYONE KNOWS IT WAS HER SCHEME FROM THE BEGINNING. She sticks to her story because her husband might have a cow if he found out ALL the dirt on her. If he found out about all her BS lies he might leave her LOL. He's already gotten a good dose of it for himself. He ALMOST broke up with her because she called him from an all girl's trip to florida to tell him that she had taken off her engagement ring for free drinks - bragging about it!! That amongst a zillion other things. He said if she didn't clean up her act he would leave her by the end of the year, But then she conveniently got pregnant.

All the while we had to hear her whine about how she just doesn't love him the way she loves her ex - but he's rich!! His parents GAVE HER one of their cars, BOUGHT THEM A HOUSE (I mean PAID FOR upfront, and they take care of the property taxes, homeowner's association bills) His parents buy them EVERYTHING - computers, a new bmw, their baby already has a college fund, car breaks down? they pay for it --- And the entire year she was pregnant and afterwards when the baby came, she had her boyfriend (the got married afterward) next to her all day, every day because they didn't have jobs - they were just living off the interest from his stock portfolio. She is the daughter of a nashville musician - sort of famous- sort of rich - her parents still have the house she was raised in and her huge circle of friends goes all the way back to middle school.

She is a barbie living in a goddamn ivory tower!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! You would think that someone who has it all could just leave me alone: I come from a first generation, working-class, immigrant family. I have four older sisters and grew up never having anything new - all hand me downs. Never even had my own room til I was 20. I grew up in a run down apartment complex and have since relocated to another state and we could barely keep anything we owned during the move and I all my friends. And couldn't make new ones because I had ASPERGER'S SYNDROME and didn't even know it til just before I got pregnant.

My life is in shambles: My boyfriend and I are jobless and homeless with a little boy. She invited me over to her house a couple weeks ago, told us to help ourselves to any snacks if we needed it (she offered this on her own because she's NOT STUPID - she knew full well that we were in dire straights and that I couldn't even afford to feed my kid) She pretends to hear me out about everything that's happened in my life and what do I get?????

The very next day she calls her mom to b***h about me because "I'm pregnant with a toddler and I don't need all this BS and drama from Natalia!!"

Stereotypical NT b***h.

Is there a God??????????? All she does is trash her "friends" behind their backs... I swear, of all her friends in her closest circle, I have heard her say the meanest s**t about every single one of them - and either they don't know about it or they just choose to stay ignorant about what she's really like because every time I try to defend myself they go RUNNING TO DEFEND HER.

Dear God, if you exist, just give her what she f*****g deserves, already!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !

Thank you for your time LOL
Natalia <3


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16 Dec 2008, 4:41 pm

Today I got really really scared of being criticized again and almost ran away to Canada.


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16 Dec 2008, 6:52 pm

Although completely unrelated, I need ice cream.... make myself feel better from remembering things I had purposly forgot.


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16 Dec 2008, 8:41 pm

Your boyfriend's sister sounds like a dominating queenie. Good luck.


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16 Dec 2008, 8:48 pm

Ana54 wrote:
Today I got really really scared of being criticized again and almost ran away to Canada.

Life in Canada has its benefits, for example, the government pays for everything but medicine, and cosmetic procedures, but given the right circumstances, they will provide you with the medication too. My brother is on medication that is damn expensive to keep him alive. The answer: the government subsidises a decent amount of it on a program they have. Unfortunatly they don't do that for my concerta, and that, after my dad's drug plan covers most of it, is $44 a month.


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17 Dec 2008, 12:46 am

I... am... having... difficulty... typing... this.... post.



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17 Dec 2008, 1:48 pm

Padium, that's good to know, since me and my boyfriend are planning on going to Canada... I grew up there and still I wasn't sure if they would help someone in need if they couldn't pay if they weren't a Canadian citizen with a health card... do you know if a US citizen who went to the mental hospital saying he was suicidal would get his drugs for free for at least a few months?

I'm scared that breastfeeding will be hard work!


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17 Dec 2008, 2:01 pm

Ana54 wrote:
Padium, that's good to know, since me and my boyfriend are planning on going to Canada... I grew up there and still I wasn't sure if they would help someone in need if they couldn't pay if they weren't a Canadian citizen with a health card... do you know if a US citizen who went to the mental hospital saying he was suicidal would get his drugs for free for at least a few months?

I'm scared that breastfeeding will be hard work!

I should have specified that those were assuming you are a citizen, however, I don't believe the hospitals can just turn away people who need help because of not having a way to necessarily pay for the services. That is something that would require a bit of research, but I do know that our healthcare system is as inclusive as they come. I do believe they cannot turn away anyone who is suicidal regardless of circumstances.