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17 Dec 2008, 3:31 am

Last night I read a blog some guy dedicated to his roommates and why he hates them, and I related to a lot of his stories. I am coming to find that I, too, hate my roommates. If anyone else currently has or has had toxic roommates, feel free to share your stories. I'm sure I'm not the only one...

Here are some of my housemate experiences. But first...


Me - Me.
Brit - Roommate one. I work and go to school with her. We had planned on moving in together since high school.
Mike - Roommate two. Met at work. Moved in with us to escape a stalker-like former roommate.
Jay - Part-time roommate. Stays with us because he's Mike's hemorrhoid. Has a house down the street, which I think he should move his stuff out of since he doesn't stay there anyway.

- Our first night all together in the house, we tenants (and Jay) stay up really late watching movies. After we watch them all, everybody but Brit has fallen asleep. She decides to put away some groceries. While storing some canned soda in the fridge, she accidentally knocks her head really hard into the fridge, at which point it kicks off. She starts beating on it, thinking she's broken it, and all $300 worth of groceries are going to go bad. When it doesn't kick back on, she wakes the rest of us up. Soon as we get up to look at it, it kicks back on.

- Mine and Brit's first food purchase for the house is a pack of Double-Stuf Oreos. We eat one or two before work, and leave. We get back from work, and every single Oreo is gone. The culprit, or one of them, as a parting gift stuffed Taco Bell taco wrappers inside the Oreo package. I wanted an Oreo, not leftover taco lettuce.

- I bought Tupperware for a reason - to store leftover food in. Every night when I get home from work, I find that Mike and Jay made dinner on the stove and left encrusted food in every pot. One, this wastes food, and two, the pots become impossible to wash. On the occasions that they decide to save their food, instead of using the Tupperware, they place their plate or bowl directly into the fridge, with spoon or fork still inserted. The leftover food never gets eaten, and the dishes also become impossible to wash.

- Mike decides to throw a house party without telling anyone. I come home to drinking, drug-doing, and streaking. After a hard night of work, I just want to do some laundry and go to bed - I also have to work early in the morning. I disregard the guests, and gather up my dirty clothing. I then make my way to the washer and dryer, setting the dirty laundry basket on top of the dryer. While I have my back turned, drunken Mike sneaks over, pulls a pair of my dirty undies out of the basket, puts them on his head, and proceeds to run around the house like that.

- Mike, Jay, and their 'crew' get high, eat all our food, and dirty all our dishes on an almost daily basis - fact. Brit and I normally eat out, which prevents us from dirtying dishes. I come home from work one day, to find a message on the fridge in letter magnets. DIRTY IT CLEAN IT. I'm unsure of the meaning behind it until Mike gets home. I confront him about the message. He then tells me he's tired of doing all the dishes. I tell him that Brit and I had not dirtied a single dish in weeks, and if it's going to be DIRTY IT CLEAN IT, he'll still be doing all the dishes. He gets mad and leaves. He doesn't talk to me for a week.

Like I said, feel free to share your experiences. We can share our resentment.


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17 Dec 2008, 1:59 pm

Mike sounds like an idiot.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed reading your post; it was sort of funny. :) It was well written, anyway.


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18 Dec 2008, 11:11 am

I agree it was well-written and that this Mike must be an idiot. I think they're all idiots, since they trhow parties without you knowing it. It's not nice to do that, inviting all these people when not all the roommates know of it. It just isn't social.

Weird people.

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18 Dec 2008, 8:06 pm

I'm a disaster with housemates so I share your pain, don't think you're alone, plenty of times my housemates have . I live in a 5 bed house at the moment and it drives me crazy, got a couple of stories though.

One of my current housemates (also a mike as it turns out) recently moved out. Sort of. A month after he missed paying his share of the rent (for which all of us are jointly liable) he only put half a months rent in, and e-mailed one of the other housemates saying that he only put half the rent in, has got the landlord to release his chunk of the deposit to pay the remaining month and a half of the contract, and will be leaving after that. So we've now got no money off him for bills or whatnot. It was lucky that the person whose bank account the whole sum of the rent comes out of checked that his money went in otherwise she'd've had to pay a bank charge for not having enough money for it to be paid out.

In the same house we have another housemate who was so promising when he first moved in, he was always saying "oh we could make this area into a snug" and this and that. Unfortunately a couple of weeks later I tried being subtle and complained that one of the other housemates never bought anything for the house and that I understood he was new and that's why he hadn't got anything yet, but the other guy had been about for 6 months and never contributed anything. The reply was "I've donated my exercise ball and some cushions". I thought at the time he might be joking, I've put my foot in it before when I thought someone wasn't joking, but 6 months later that is his entire contribution and the house still needs a sofa, a couple of rugs, a CD player, and other bits of bobs, all of which can be got for sod all second hand.

A different house I had some german housemates whose term had finished at uni. Unfortunately mine had not, and the next day I had to be up to meet a lecturer at university at 9am to do a presentation. Anyway that night they had a big house party, with all the usual crap that goes with it, while I was trying to study. My real frustration was the next morning when I was trying to get ready to go to uni, tried to turn my computer on and found we had no electricity. This house needed a top up card for electricity from the local post office. It also had £10 emergency credit in case you ran out. I press the emergency credit button, nothing happens, someone had already used it. I had been the last person to buy a card, and we had a rota. Needless to say after the 20 minute walk to the post office and back to get the electricty to boot up my computer to get my presentation off it I was too late to do my presentation anyway. The issue came to be that the housemates didn't see anything wrong with what they had done. Alas, sometimes I think people are inherently self-absorped.

I've also lived with a gay housemate who used to hit on me at every opportunity. A housemate who had no hygene (he would cook pasta in a pot, eat half of it out the pot, leave the pot open, go away for the weekend, come back and still eat the remains of the pasta!). I've also lived with another guy with no hygene who had bugs living in his cupboard, so badly so that they infested the entire kitchen - they'd started off living in his sugar which he continued using with them in it!, he also stored all his dirty old plates under the kitchen sink rather than washing them.

In fact I think the only time I've not been stressed out since I moved away from home was the 6 months that I lived on my own. That's actually quite sad. But there you go, people are strange.


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05 Jan 2009, 1:06 am

oddbod wrote:
A different house I had some german housemates whose term had finished at uni. Unfortunately mine had not, and the next day I had to be up to meet a lecturer at university at 9am to do a presentation. Anyway that night they had a big house party, with all the usual crap that goes with it, while I was trying to study. My real frustration was the next morning when I was trying to get ready to go to uni, tried to turn my computer on and found we had no electricity. This house needed a top up card for electricity from the local post office. It also had £10 emergency credit in case you ran out. I press the emergency credit button, nothing happens, someone had already used it. I had been the last person to buy a card, and we had a rota. Needless to say after the 20 minute walk to the post office and back to get the electricty to boot up my computer to get my presentation off it I was too late to do my presentation anyway. The issue came to be that the housemates didn't see anything wrong with what they had done. Alas, sometimes I think people are inherently self-absorped.

A similar thing happened to me! Our electricity was shut off (don't EVEN get me started on that story :x ), which led to pipes freezing and bursting and our water getting shut off too! THAT situation all led back to Jay and his, ahem, *taking* our electric money for personal uses, thinking we wouldn't find out. Needless to say, he's not allowed near the property anymore. Mike is indeed an idiot, as he somehow is taking Jay's side on the whole thing. :?: :?: :?:

So Brit and I are moving into a new place. The landlord evicted Mike. HAHAHA. Anyways, we've found a better, cheaper place that just the two of us can afford. Will the isolation with her drive me nuts? Guaranteed. But will my money be stolen? Nope. Besides, it'll be more peaceful and less frustrating without Dumb and Dumber.

However, the experience in that house will haunt me. Always.

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05 Jul 2009, 5:37 pm

I don't know if you ever gonna HIT ME UP SO WE CAN KICK IT??????????? BUT IT Would be nice to see your apartment that I am suppose to be a ROOMATE IN YOU LATE BIOCTH!! !! !!

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05 Jul 2009, 7:14 pm

Well, my roommates from hell story is really about a rooming house for college students and slackers in general. I had moved into this house while looking for something better. My room was on the second floor, which had once been an enclosed porch, and was actually over the enclosed porch on the first floor. This porch was where the other students, when drunk, liked to sit and have long, drunken debates, complete with cigarettes. The smoke and the conversation would drift up to my room, and disturb my sleep.

But wait. It gets worse.

There were three bathrooms in the house. One on the second floor, which had the tub shower, sink and toilet. (This was the most popular one.) One on the first floor, off the communal kitchen. And another on the back porch, for some reason. It also had a tub shower, but nobody ever used it. At one point, for nearly three months straight, two of the toilets were backed up. There was a problem with water pressure, or something. So, if you went potty, it was often necessary to use a plunger to make the toilet flush properly. Nobody wanted to dirty their hands doing such, so the disgusting mess would sit there until somebody bit the bullet and plunged the toilet!

The communal kitchen had a wall of cupboards, with locks, which were supposed to be for keeping personal supplies in. But none of them locked. I mistakenly put some forks and knives in one, napkins, and such. Other people would use my forks, and then leave them, dirty, in the sink. I was forced to take everything up to my room. There was a drug addict on the top floor, who was hard of hearing. for some reason, he would scratch on my door at around two a.m, on weekends. When I would call "Who is it?" He couldn't hear, so he kept scratching and knocking very quietly.

And if you were unfortunate to have the back room on the first floor, you had to listen to the student and the army person in the bedroom directly above you, having sex very loudly, over and over.

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05 Jul 2009, 10:49 pm

I feel your pain. I just moved out of a really bad housemate situation. I'd only been living there for 4 months. The guy I was living with might have had some kind of personality disorder, which is fine, but he couldn't keep it under control. He would come across as really friendly, then suddenly become hostile and aggressive. He also stole my security deposit and lied about it, which I am still pissed off about. The whole thing was like a bad dream.


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06 Jul 2009, 3:09 am

luckyandmike wrote:
I don't know if you ever gonna HIT ME UP SO WE CAN KICK IT??????????? BUT IT Would be nice to see your apartment that I am suppose to be a ROOMATE IN YOU LATE BIOCTH!! !! !!


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06 Jul 2009, 1:32 pm

ive had a couple of roomates in the past, the majority of them were cool but now im too old for roomates.

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08 Jul 2009, 9:30 am

I'm glad that I've never had horrible roommates, personality-wise.

That isn't to say the experiences have been positive; a lot of them have had terrible schedules and lied about them before I moved in (ie, staying up until 3, getting up at 5, waking me up when they do so).

The worst experience was when I asked about how quiet it was, an he said it was "very quiet". His schedule was compatible with mine, too. However, the people above us were the problem. The guy above weighed about 300 pounds, and the building construction was terrible. With every step, the building creaked loudly, over 65 decibels (after a particularly bad night, I went out and bought a sound level meter)... and the guy was up past midnight every weekday, and past 3 every weekend. Soon, I was hallucinating at work due to sleep deprivation. My performance went to zero, and I lost the job.

That was one of the most traumatic times of my life.

Heck, it's been seven months since I lost the job (and 8 since I moved away from there), and I still haven't gotten another. My headaches and sleep problems are still debilitating, no matter how many doctors I throw at them.

With the neighbors that I have now (who were screaming at the top of their lungs at one in the morning last night), I've pretty much concluded that whether I'm alone in an apartment or renting a room, I'm just as likely to have my sleep disrupted.

Loneliness is much less of an issue when I have roommates, and it's much easier to get out of a bad situation if you're sub-letting instead of on a lease, so I'm going back to renting rooms... if I ever manage to get another job.

Last edited by gsilver on 08 Jul 2009, 9:48 am, edited 1 time in total.


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08 Jul 2009, 9:38 am

All the flatmates I've ever had have been pretty bad. There's far to many to describe here. I'm about to move in with two other girls now and not looking forward to it. I want my own place :cry: