Jol wrote:
What isn't right though with the Diagnosis is that I can read eyes, body language etc.
Maybe I have trained myself too over the years? I am constantly asking "why" .. Why is Bill standing that way, "why is he tapping his pinky against his belt" "what emotion is he conveying"
I'm not sure that this means you can read nonverbal cues. From what I hear, NTs read these cues intuitively, not by asking questions and trying to analyze what's going on.
Also, are you sure that you are reading the cues correctly much of the time? Before I stumbled on AS and got diagnosed, I thought I was very intuitive and could read people very well. Of course, that didn't quite mesh with my being constantly frustrated with not being able to understand why they acted so completely contrary to logic, but, well, that was then and this is now.
It's clear that something is clicking about all this, and I think following your instincts is a good idea. (My social intuition is < 0, but I ignore my instincts at my peril...) I don't know your financial situation, but would it be possible to get your son evaluated, just to put your mind at rest? You could do the same for yourself as well. There are lots of people who self-diagnose, and I have no trouble with that (some do), but I really needed a third party to say, "Yes, Mrs. Ruach, you are quite sane and you also have Asperger's."