I also have trouble letting go of grudges, as well. I've been holding on to grudges against my peers who picked on me, or ignored me in elementary/high school. I've also been holding on to a grudge for a couple of years, now. A grudge against what another member did to me. I was really good friends with a man who was in my college programme. He turned on me in May, back in the early-mid nineties. I was holding a grudge against him, until I've moved into my apartment. The grudges that I've been holding against my peers, have been putting a damper on my first weeks of January. I've just got to tell myself that those people are no longer in my life, and they can't jerk me around or bully me, anymore. As for some member who turned against me, I should let that go as well. Once I let that go, I'll be able to get back into the Cockney Spirit, and my avatars will start reflecting that. The last time I was really in the Cockney Spirit, was in the November of 2006. It's hard to welcome in January, without Cockney Spirit.
The Family Enigma