Does anyone else feel like neither of their parents are AS?

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08 Jan 2009, 5:53 am

My dad shows some very slight symptoms (like occasional vagueness), but not nearly enough to really be AS.

My mum has to be one of the most NT people I know.

My brother is your typical NT jock type.

I am like some sort of weird, genetic mistake. :lol:

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08 Jan 2009, 6:41 am

My mum has a few traits, my dad who passed away had many more, but neither is diagnosed so I remain the only aspie in the family. My mum suspects my auntie though, and I never wanted to be like her - living with her mum in her 20's, well, she's 30 something now, but what I meant was I never wanted to still be living with my mum in my mid 20's. Unfortunately things don't work out the way you want them to.

My brother is a know-it-all-ego-maniac NT and my sister is a thinks-she-knows-it-all-ego-maniac NT.


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08 Jan 2009, 11:00 am

my dad had OCD and a lot of aspie traits, and from all the stories that I've heard about his dad and further back in the genealogical tree there were quite a few people who I suspect were somewhere on the spectrum. don't remember much about my mother but she was very unemotional, silent and not very social so I wouldn't be surprised if she was on the spectrum as well.

quite a few NT uncles/aunts on both sides though, but I have no contact with them because they think I'm "weird".

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08 Jan 2009, 11:05 am

I'm positive my mom has some AS traits. She's not the most social person, she's extremely good at math (CPA), and she puts animals above people. She's also really, really into the weather and she never sees herself as doing anything wrong.

My dad definitely has ADHD. He's constantly on the move and gets really into playing sports (He still plays soccer and tennis at 47.). He also has some sort of Bipolar issue going on. He's also a huge slob.

I'm not really like either one of them. I have NLD and OCD (but not officially diagnosed as of yet). So as you can see, I really don't like going to my dad's house since it's always such a pigsty. LOL


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08 Jan 2009, 11:26 am

I think both my Dad and my maternal uncle seem Aspergerish, and so does my brother. I always have related better with my Dad than with my Mom, because there was some sort of underlying 'sharedness'. My mom was more social with her friends, but she wasn't what I'd call a social butterfly.......but she always knew how to 'have and cultivate friends' at the expense of quality time with me, especially. My two sisters are more like Mom, and so they had a good relationship with her, while I did not...... I am more like Dad. My two sisters DO NOT UNDERSTAND ME, and I do not get along with them. I am not like them. My Dad is more of a loner. His main interest and obsession was his YARD. My uncle's main obsession was model railroading and city history. My brother is a routine based computer whiz.


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08 Jan 2009, 12:08 pm

Yes. My parents especially seems very non-autistic to me.

Autism + ADHD
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08 Jan 2009, 12:48 pm

My parents are as normal as anyone, except that my mother is exceptionally gifted, which has caused her problems. But certainly neither of them are on the spectrum or anywhere near it that I can see. I have one aunt who may be on the spectrum, but that's it.


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08 Jan 2009, 12:52 pm

I can't say that I really know either of them well enough to be able to comment. You kinda have to be in someone's head to know if they have AS or not. (Or at least I do. I can't guess how others think or feel I can only know how I think and feel. ToM problem, I guess?)

My mom would for sure say things that were definately considered rude and may have a problem with voice tones and multitasking perhaps. But that's about all I know from being on the outside.

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08 Jan 2009, 1:28 pm

Ha, same here. I think I'm the only possible AS in my family.


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08 Jan 2009, 1:35 pm

Almost everyone in my family has a few traits. I am pretty sure that my parents are NT. My grandfather may have been AS, but I really have no way of knowing.


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08 Jan 2009, 1:38 pm

As far as I can tell, my mum is definitely neurotypical. As for my dad, I'm pretty sure hes NT as well. I cant really say for sure, since I hardly know him. me and him are complete strangers.


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08 Jan 2009, 1:42 pm

Both my parents are NTs. I'm the only aspie in my family.

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08 Jan 2009, 4:28 pm

I have always felt different from my immediate family, so I don´t think any of them have AS, although my Dad is in some ways quite "Aspieish"; (but I´m pretty sure he´s NT, as we had a conversation once about picking up subconscious signals in social situations). When I was younger, I was always amazed at how easily and naturally my mother, brother and sister handled themselves socially...(and I learned by patterning myself after my Mom and brother- sister was too young to copy).

I suspect AS in my Dad´s mother´s side of the family, although I can´t prove this. And I don´t know that side of the family too well now (grandmother is dead). They just do a big, huge, unmanageable, extended-family reunion about every 5 years, so up until now I was sort of on the sidelines of those events, it was all a blur. But now I have a sudden interest in that part of the family.

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08 Jan 2009, 5:13 pm

Both my parents show some traits but not enough to be on the spectrum. They are both shy, mom hates brightness, hates bass, Dad is clumsy and says things that are innapropriate because mom says he is being a jerk, he really loves his sports and can't miss a game and he talks about it, Mom is so into gardening and house designs, it is about all she watches on TV and she isn't good with small talk and she sure did an aspie ting when she was a kid. Her father belched in his car and mom held her nose and said "Oh gross dad, what did you have? Beer?" and he slapped her. Mom couldn't understand what his problem was. I told her in my late teens maybe what she said was inaproppiate because isn't it rude to made comments about peoples bad breath? Mom also seems to have a good sense of smell but I don't know if her smell is above normal or my sense of smell is just poor. When she said lot of people aren't good with small talk, do lot of people have troubles with it or did my mother just assume it because she has that difficulty?
She also taught me that people can't read minds and you have to tell people how they are making you feel, does she have that difficulty too so she thinks it has to be that way or could people not read me so she told me I have to use words to tell them?

She also told me people are so worried about hurting someone's feelings, they can't even be honest with their partner so they bottled it up inside them until they finally lose it. That's why so many relationships fail she said. People just can't be honest with each other and they need to stop worrying about hurting their feelings. They need the truth.

She is also literal but she said it's hard to tell with me when I am joking because I am so serious. My dad said she is literal but my mother isn't as literal as I am.

My mother doesn't have many friends and neither does my dad. My dad is hyper and he paces and taps his foot but he also has ADHD so my dad isn't really NT.

I wonder if my mother lacks sexual desires because she acts like sex is gross but says people have sex once or twice a month on average but I heard the average is twice a week but my bf doesn't believe that. My mother is stuck back in the olden days. Back when sex was unacceptable to talk about and joke about. One time I told her when I was 18 "You're stuck back in the olden days," and she got upset and I don't know why. She was making a big deal about the top of my panties showing but so what, I see that today with other girls and everyone wears underwear (except people with severe or moderate incontinence and babies who aren't PT yet).

My mother also talked to herself a lot when I was little and then she stopped simply because I thought she was crazy.