thanks, but im curntly live with my parents and they say they want me to spend my time on "things that acctualy matter" my mom even said that i should be able to "handle it" since she put up with wanting a nose job until she was in her 50s, she cant seem to see the difrence. she's an NT and im more emotionaly sensitve and understanding than her. and my dads from south america so he isnt realy supportive. and insurance companies dont cover hormones and all my money came from allowance that my parents gave me, but they took that away because i failed some classes. also my parents wont pay for counsling because the school has a therapist who will see students for free as long as its about school issues.
Im hevily depressed and can barely motivate myself to shower and eat my parents just tell me they "arent happy either" and that i should "get over it".
One of the classes i failed was an english class that half the grade was a wrighting assignment on "A time you were embaressed" i dont even have that emotion, so the school said she had to give me an assignment i could acctuly do so all she did was said it could be fictional if it was beliveable, i wrote the paper and got an "F" because she said i did it wrong, and "thats not embaressment". Of course i did it wrong, i dont have that emotion, i can barely describe ones i do have. and that got me so stressed out that i failed another of the courses. and so they took away my meger 11 dollars a week. i dont even want to be in collage i would rather just transition then get some dead end lowpaying job to pay for hormones and living expences while looking for a husband. yes i know "looking for a husband" makes my sound like some 1950's stereotype but what i really want to do with my life is fall in love get married and be a stay at home mom. i dont know if this is common for aspies but im very in touch with my instincts, my strongest being my survival instinct followed closely by my maternal instinct.
i know this is pretty evil but i cant help it; if i was forced to choose between my life (which i want to end) and the lives of dozens of others i would have to choose to save my own. i hate my stupid survival instinct. id rather be dead, but id let others die to save my life. i hate myself and cry myself to sleep alot because of that. but my point is that my maternal instinct is almost as strong and it would undoubtedly get much stronger if i acctualy had a child to take care of.
oh and my parents could aford my transition they spend thousands of dollars on stupid stuff like putting more rooms on the house which are promptly filled with boxes of junk. where it the boxes i junk come from i dont know, three addions to the house and $50,000 latter and she still complains that she needs more storage space.
i just relized im rambling. sorry.
does anyone else feel there instincts that strongly?
and does anyone have any more advice?