garyww wrote:
Some of my friends have had lifelong special interests and that are extremely specialized. I've had hundreds so far and some have more importance than others. I've outgrown about 75% of them but even today if I see, hear or read something that applies to an old obsession I key into it.
Half the fun is looking for new stuff to study and make into a project.
ditto also.
i lose interest. but i am always really thrilled when info that relates to a past special interest comes my way. i feel like i am hugging a long lost friend who then goes on their way again. i am experiencing this at the moment with Mircea Eliade's writings.
the nature of special interests is different in AS people. I have one lifelong one and secondary and tertiary ones of varying duration. the intensity tends to be uniform however.
I am having an enforced searation form my speical interest at present due to holidays and being mum. it nearly frigging kills me. i hate it. it feels like dying a bit. oh well - i've learned to cop it with a few meltdowns thrown in just for good measure.