NeantHumain wrote:
I think wonk connotes an expert from some prestigious institution or Washington think tank; one usually sees the phrase "policy wonk." I don't think wonkish affectations can be associated with someone whose interest is motorcycles or cars.
Wikipedia says:
Wonk, slang for a person preoccupied with arcane details or procedures in a specialized field
BTW "pundit" is SUPPOSED to be an english word adopted from hindi that means expert or educated. In the US it usually refers to some IDIOT that just PARROTS someone elses insane ideas!
Wikipedia defines THAT as:
A pundit is someone who offers to mass-media his/her opinion or commentary on a particular subject area (most typically political analysis, the social sciences or sport) on which he/she is presumed to be knowledgeable. The term has been increasingly applied to popular media personalities. In certain cases, it may be used in a derogatory manner as well.