compulsive behaviours that are driving him nuts. help wanted

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31 Jan 2009, 5:33 am

Hi all I'm hoping you can help me to understand and in return help my 10 year old as son.

He came out to me tonight acting and sounding really anxious. He then tells me he wants it to stop! He was rolling his nintendo ds stylus between his thumb and his index finger, and it was annoying him, he kept saying he needed it to be even and he couldn't stop till it was. He then said its like having an itch in a brick that he just can't scratch. He was really upset about it, but still rolling, infact so upset, he was kicking his legs and rolling his head from side to side. I tried to distract him and he just started making growling noises at me I tried to take it off him, again no go he had a firm hold on it. I sugested he give it to me maybe if I wrapped something around it, the feeling would stop. Nope that didn't work (he let me try) but took it back and said it made it worse. My older son came to the resue and gave him some play doh. This seams to have helped for now. (fingers crossed) He asked me to put the stylus back in the ds, he didn't even want to see it. Apparently this is why the stylus hasn't been in the ds for the last few days, because each time he tries to put it away he gets this over whelming urge to roll it in his fingers. He has also been saying quiet alot lately that he likes everything to be even, eg's he chewed one finger nail down because it was a little longer than the other-cause of a minor upset because now it was shorter. He bumped his leg, now he is uneven because the other leg isn't sore.

Can anyone please explain all this to me, and if you or your kids have been threw this what can I do to help him?


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31 Jan 2009, 6:15 am

That sounds like something that I've got, only a lot worse. I'm 13 by the way. For me, it tends to go in phases, sometimes it's bad then I'll have a week or two where it's not to bad. When it's bad, I tend to try and distract myself; and not think about it, but as your son's condition seems to be worse than mine, I'm not sure if that would work. I did some personal research on it a while ago; I can't remember the name, but I believe it is one of the conditions that often coexist with autism. I came to this conclusion because I have met quite a few autistics that did not describe the feelings/symptoms that I described (however, I could be wrong; I'm only 13 after all :roll: ) Have you tried going to a doctor or psychologist? I have never tried because it's not much of a problem for me.


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31 Jan 2009, 6:38 am

Thanks Harry :D
You sound like a sweety, did you mean ocd or tourettes. If so I've thought of both, but reluctant to get yet another dx. :wink: I am seeing his ocupational therapist this coming thursday, I know he has big issues with sensory stuff and anxiety at the moment so bad infact she has suggest that we get a pyscologist on board at the same time as her therapy sessions, which arent going so great.

So what was going on with you, perhaps it is the same and because your a little older maybe you can describe it better.

Thanks again aurea xxx


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31 Jan 2009, 12:47 pm

Compulsions (OCD) often go hand in hand with ASD. Obsession is described as persistant, repetitive thought that causes anxiety (b/c they want to stop). Compulsions are persistant, repetitive behavior that cause anxiety for the same reason. My 10 year old is also OCD although not to your son's extreme. Your son's reaction to his own behavior is classic. My son is also very highly anxious and apparently anxiety and OCD also go hand in hand. IE, when an OCD child is anxious, he feels a need to behave compuslively (rolling the stylus, lining up toys). But the compulsive behavior in turn causes anxiety. My son's anti-anxiety medication helps more with the OCD than with the anxiety. He's on Celexa. Because your son's sensory issues obviously play a role in his compulsion, the OT may be helpful. The playdoh, btw, was an awesome save on your elder son's part (kudos to him), but the stylus is still not 'fixed' in his mind and will continue to bother him. BTW, not all stylus are the same. and there's always extras to buy. You might be able to find one (ie, for a blackberry) that will satisfy your son. I've felt your frustration and worry. His psychiatrist may be more helpful if this becomes too overwhelming.


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01 Feb 2009, 2:43 pm

oooh, that sounds rough. For such instances, I try doing what my OT suggested and for a few days, every couple of hours, have him do something that might help the compulsion go away (in this instance, maybe give him a squishy ball to squeeze 20 times every 2 hours). I don't know if that would help, but it might help him with the tactile and 'itch you can't scratch' feeling so that when he plays the DS not every nerve is going into overload.

Your older son sounds like a fantastic big brother, and very creative in working with your other son.....great family always helps to have around :)


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01 Feb 2009, 8:06 pm

Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of OCD. If it turns out to be a consistent thing then you will want to talk to your doctor most likely.

Mine isn't bad and I have never been officially diagnosed but sometimes I can't leave my chair until it "feels right" so I will be bored out of my mind just SITTING in the stupid chair but for some reason it's just not time to get up yet... (among others, and stress seems to make it worse) One plus is that with 4 kids my house stays semi-tidy on most days.

There are drugs to help it and with the anxiety thrown in there as well they would probably help him doubly. I believe the most common drugs that they give for OCD are also anti-depressants.


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01 Feb 2009, 10:21 pm

Oh my 8O
Detren your saying "it doesn't feel right" I here all to often. I get that or "I don't feel right".
I really don't want to go down the medication path until I've exhausted everything else first.

Every time I think I've finally got a handle on things something new crops up :?

Yes my oldest son is fantastic although he has his moments too :wink:


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01 Feb 2009, 11:50 pm

The post was kind of bitter, wasn't actually saying to dope your poor kid up. Well, didn't MEAN to mean it that way.

They put me on something, might have been celexa, which i think someone else posted on, and it wasn't worth it by far. I got motion sickness DRIVING and dizzy/nauseated walking ... um, not to mention the more, um... adult oriented aspects. I called and had to do a "take me off this!! ! to my doctor"

So what if when I'm stressed my floor gets vacuumed 3 times a day :D, and I always do my dishes in the same order, or that when I go through the checkout line my groceries are all by type/ packaging/ and squishability? Nah, I just live with it.

What I need is something to take on the really bad days, that would be nice. Something you don't have to take everyday. (maybe I'll talk to my doctor about that.)

Things that seem to help me, a consistent level of caffeine (none is ideal but ya know), avoidance of allergens (food allergic), less stressful environment.

Also, just thought I would note, when I have to sweep the floor, it's not that I have to sweep the floor, it's that the floor needs swept. Kind of like an as long as it's done thing.

Wow, I think I'm tired and rambling. haha. sorry there.