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24 Dec 2005, 1:26 am

Ok - this is so bizarre - first I run across Diane who I went on vacation with accomidating my AS and now my best friend totally surprises me . . .

You need some background on this - I've known my best friend for 3 years now and he basically directly saved my life when I took welbutrin and got VERY suicidal - I mean I'm bipolar and have been suicidal before but this was just incredible - very out of control and he made me stay at his house and we had this conversation for about 2 hours where I told him I wanted to go home and he told me that either I was staying at his house or going to the hospital - those were the two options . . . over and over and over . . .
Plus he helped me find a psychiatrist and put up with me while I was getting used to medications and all that stuff -and just kicked my butt (verbally) whenever I wanted to give up on myself . . . he's just a generally good guy . . .

Anyway, I have been making this knit afgahn for him since September and he's excessively social in my mind (of course, that may mean he's social like a normal person) so he's very busy around Christmas . . . but I've put like 300 to 310 hours into this afgahn so I called him the other night and informed him that I AM bringing this thing to him on Friday (today) and he just needed to tell me what time he'd be home - even if it was just for five minutes . . . so he called me today and said that he'd be home at 3pm . . .
So I went over there fully expecting to hand it to him, get a hug (he is the only person in my whole life that can hug me and, not only do I not pull away or just tolerate it, but I actually LIKE it) and leave . . . but when I got there both he and his partner were there - which is a surprise becasue they are both the busiest people on earth and getting them together in the same room for anthing social is next to impossible . . . and I like his partner, too, so that was fine . . .
Anyway, they invited me in and I'm still thinking this is going to be a 10 minute thing and I gave him the afgahn and a glass fishtank (with fish - it is all glass, including the fish) I'd gotten for his partner and still am thinking that I'm going to leave very shortly - I even said 'You guys probably have a lot to do . . .' becasue I'm notorious for outstaying my welcome and he said 'No - there is a clock behind you that I can see - we have plenty of time . . .'
So this is wierd . . .
Anyway, he got up and brought me several presents they had gotten for me and told me what order to open them in - and they were plant hangers for my garden (real iron - most of my house is done in wrought iron), candy and a tiny little bear from their trip to London (I collect stuffed animals) and then a big gift card for a plant nursery that gets most of my money . . .
He explained that the plant hangers went with the plant nursery gift card because we were going to go in the spring and buy hanging plants to put in my garden . . . and this is wierd because I had always assumed that they just tolerate me and it was odd that he would set things up so that we would do something together . . .

This is the REALLY wierd part - the next one was some tolberone candy - and he says 'This is a family thing - I always get that for my family every year . . .' and then the next one was one of those little story books full of lifesavers and he says 'That is also a family thing - everyone in my family gets one of those every year, too . . .'
And that is really strange because I've never had a family - I mean, I have my parents but they aren't even going to get up before I go to work on Christmas but expect me to spend the night at their house because they are supposedly my family . . .
It is hard for me to consider thinking of someone I like as family . . . I mean I've refered to my best friend as my big brother before (he's about 8 years older than me) - but he's never acknowleged that as a postive thing before . . .

I'm having my social construction of the world blown out of the water daily lately . . . it is really strange . . .


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24 Dec 2005, 3:14 am

Wow! 8O That sounds really cool! :jester:

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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29 Dec 2005, 7:29 am

What a wonderful Christmas suprise! :D I am sure your gifts were also appreciated. It is great to have a good friend who makes you feel wanted. You are very lucky.


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30 Dec 2005, 7:07 am

What a total complement! To have friends include you in a "family" tradition is very sweet, and is saying how much they care. you should be honored, I know I would have been. I included my shift last year in a family tradition of toys in a stocking. in my family, you ALWAYS get toys. Anyhow I did up 4 mini stockings with toys in them. They guys seemed to be touched by it. My shift is like another family to me, so they got tiny stockings. Anyhow, I think that your friends are very special, and they think you are too!