===> the whole article rings bells related that remind us of symptoms related AS.
Someone told me that the only difference between AS and IN-types of personality is in term of severity :Aspies have more "significant" social impairment that prevent them to handle a job and get relationships/friends, INs don't necessarily have a "significant" social impairment.
This person also told me AS includes sensory issues while IN-types don't, yet I found this interesting part:
6. Introverted sensing
The LII has poor control over their physical well-being, neglecting matters of simple hygiene relatively easily. They dislike having to take care of mundane details of work but simultaneously derive pleasure from aesthetic neatness and organization.
The LII is easily annoyed by sensory over-stimulation, including loud noises, bright light, and extreme temperature. On the other hand, they easily become "addicted" to more pleasurable things, such as music, which have a corresponding effect on their mood (Fe). When left to their own devices, the LII tends to oscillate unhealthily between total indulgence of the senses and total neglect—the latter especially when working on something they feel to be extremely important. They tend to feel guilty for indulging in hedonism for the sake of hedonism.
On the surface the LII can seem easygoing, but in work projects or at home their critical nature will become more obvious. ... _Introvert
Stats show that the INTJ are the rarest among the general population (~1%) , it's as rare as Asperger.
So what's INTJ (or INs in general) ? is INTJ (and other INs) another label of Asperger or it's vice-versa? Or are they 2 different ,yet correlated labels?