Does anyone else have this sense of humour?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Mar 2009, 7:15 am

Hi, I guess that ADHD might have something to do with what this topic is about,

I've beenfriends with a girl since we were in year 9 (14, we are now neally 17) but we have a very random and bizzare sense of humour, msot view it as annoying or think that we have somne ind of mental illness, but we see it as fun, being differnet and having a cheap laugh, it doesn't affect anyone?

We say the most random things and lauhg or just have an outburst of energy and do something totally out of the blue but it's fun.

Last night the first thing I said to her on MSN was 'EAT MY BUTTAH' and she laughed, or we'd say things in a different accent, we're creative with it though, which is positive too.

I also have AS and I have a totally different side, mature, intelligent, content and even act older than my age, drinking coffee makes me hyperactive too, it's like y body and mind is so totally stimulated that I feel high and thoughts start running through my head at a fast pace and I cn talk fast but get frustrated easily whlst in my 'random' mood, it's like a speed effect.

I've wondered if I was scitzophrenic or had a personality disoirder but I function relativley healthily, it's possibly teenage hormones that play a part in it aswel, but my ADHD is controllable most of the time so it can't be that severe? I don't really understand it myself, I think it's a good thing but I don't like feeling all over the place, I want some middle ground with it.

Can someone relate please? We have another random friend so there must be more out there, I also see my ADHD side as a front, it helps me socialize more, even if it is in an annoying overpowering way.

Are we just happy people or are we insane? haha


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Mar 2009, 7:16 am

Is it just pure eccentric?


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04 Mar 2009, 8:16 am

^^ I must say that I do not understand why there would any wrong in your sense of humour. ^^ I do believe that senses of humour are not written or defined. I would personally suggest that you do not worry what other humans believe about such a matter, certainly as I do not believe you are offending or insulting them directly in any manner. ^^ I would suggest to not worry and but continue having fun.


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04 Mar 2009, 8:32 am

Oh why does this sound all too familiar :lol:

For one you are certainly NOT insane. I share the same sense of humour where random things and words make me laugh. That is a good thing! For one, smiling and laughing is extremely good for you. More importantly though, it is bringing through good emotion that seems to be more often than not asleep.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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04 Mar 2009, 8:49 am

Thanks guys, yeahs ome words amsue me too, like 'broadsword' it sounds funny when you say it a certain way



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04 Mar 2009, 9:24 am

yep...I have this type of sense of humor


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04 Mar 2009, 9:25 am

I understand the accent thingie. I say "Dora the Explorer" with a strong New York accent. It makes "Explorer" (pronounced "explor-ah") rhyme with "Dora" (pronounced "Dor-ah").

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04 Mar 2009, 9:45 am

Maditude wrote:
I understand the accent thingie. I say "Dora the Explorer" with a strong New York accent. It makes "Explorer" (pronounced "explor-ah") rhyme with "Dora" (pronounced "Dor-ah").

OMG!! ! Have you seen that comedian who does a Dora schtick with a Kennedy (Boston)accent? Freaking hilarious.

So, imagine Ted Kennedy's monotone Mass. voice: "Put on DORA the EXPLORAH!"

And as far as sick, cruel senses of humor - my friends and I are very similar to the characters in Seinfeld. And look what happened to them in the last episode! Thrown in jail for making fun of a crime victim. (OK - that was a dumb ending but it sort of stuck.)

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04 Mar 2009, 10:14 am

i used to have a girlfriend called melinda who had a very similar sense of humor to me.
(she stole an atm card from me and spent lots of money at a casino and i left her then but i miss her.)

we used to stage things so others that listened could not tell what we were on about.

we did a thing where we spoke in our impressions of foreign languages. there was no understanding or content to our conversation. it was just a sound thing we did.


mel: der sprahhken zein ein der frrroogans vort!! !
me: agh der floonsterbrooten ebben zie sprokken hallter sehkzelbrieg!! !
mel: nein nein ach zeppel heigen.
people were listening to us because they were fascinated but when the number came up for our dinner:

then we said in a broad australian outback accent
me: ahh i think our meal's ready darl.
mel: good stuff hun!

that made them very confused. and melinda used to belly laugh and not be able to settle down for a while so she could eat. i usually left to go outside to laugh if i became decomposed.

another time, i was parking a big ford LTD i had beside the sidewalk near where i worked. it was a parking arrangement where cars were perpendicular and not parallel to the sidewalk. this means you can either park nose first or tail first there.
there was a new cheap japanese restaurant that had just opened, and some of it's tables were on the sidewalk where i was parking.
i always park tail first, and the japanese restaurant owner came out and got cranky with me while parking one day.
he said my exhaust fumes from the V8 were spoiling the experience of his diners.
he was cranky and i became defiant. i said "yeah well that's life in the big smoke huh?"

melinda was with me at the time.
she was hysterical in laughter and she suggested the following procedure to perform when we were leaving later on.
she remembered her brother working on his car who poured a product called "redex" down his carburetor to clean it out. the engine was running and he got in his car and revved it and thunderclouds of thick oily lookng smoke billowed from his exhaust pipe for a while.
we got some from a nearby service station, and when we left i decided to use the redex before i left the parking spot.
we blew smoke to an outrageous degree over the diners even inside his restaurant.

it may seem severe, but i parked at that spot for years before he opened his stupidly situated restaurant, and he said he would get my car towed away so melinda and me made some fun of him (that was the last time i parked there).

this next one is just my own sense of humor as melinda was not with me at the time.
once i was parking in a disabled car space, and a man got angry and came to my car and said "mate!! you don't look disabled!!". i said "well i am". he said "can you walk"? and i said i could and he wanted to know how i was disabled. i said that i was blind.

he became confrontational and asked "well how the bloody hell did you drive here if you're blind?!?!?!"
i said i had a braille street directory.
he went i guess to alert someone but i did not see him again.

i think you and your girlfriend have a fine bond if you see naturally what each other finds funny.


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04 Mar 2009, 10:22 am

Dude, you ever seen Family Guy? Total weird randomness. You sound a lot like me and my brother. Both of us have ADD and we're both really random. I've got Tourette syndrome as well and sometimes I say really silly things. The other day I made my entire class laugh because I suddenly said 't*ts and ass' for no reason! I also do silly accents.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )


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04 Mar 2009, 11:59 am

Jellybean wrote:
Dude, you ever seen Family Guy? Total weird randomness. You sound a lot like me and my brother. Both of us have ADD and we're both really random. I've got Tourette syndrome as well and sometimes I say really silly things. The other day I made my entire class laugh because I suddenly said 't*ts and ass' for no reason! I also do silly accents.

I'm like that. Have you seen psych? The lead character is like that.

Seth MacFarlane is an evil genius. He's the best - better than Matt Groening and the South Park guys - and that's saying a lot!

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04 Mar 2009, 12:05 pm

Ya know, I had to eat a terribly dry roll this morning because my damned dog ATE MY BUTTAH.
You two are more talented than you can imagine. You are both about as "insane" as the very talented Robin Williams. Study writing or any thing that has something to do with entertainment and the arts. You two would cheer up anybody. That's the satisfaction that comes with this kind of work...ratings.


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04 Mar 2009, 12:08 pm

-x-x-ANONYMOUS-x-x- wrote:
Thanks guys, yeahs ome words amsue me too, like 'broadsword' it sounds funny when you say it a certain way


Never take a broadsword.


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04 Mar 2009, 12:10 pm

Sometimes I laugh when someone says a random thing. Once in art class we had this joke on our table where we would try and make each other laugh by saying summat like CHEESE, and then someone says PORRIDGE, and then someone else goes SPAM FRITTERS, it was hilarious.

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04 Mar 2009, 12:42 pm

Cool hwip. Cool hwip. Cool hwip. Language is fun!


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04 Mar 2009, 1:00 pm

-x-x-ANONYMOUS-x-x- wrote:
Are we just happy people or are we insane?
You're letting off steam and connecting with each other. That's good medicine. Unless you're disrupting a funeral, I don't see a problem.
"Your right to swing your arm ends where my nose begins."

"b9" is a jerk in that he is bothering other people. His humor is not benign at all, but abusive. They're not just having fun and being insensitive to others. They're enjoying the power rush that comes from inflicting discomfort. That's sadistic.

MmeLePen wrote:
Cool hwip. Cool hwip. Cool hwip. Language is fun!
Good one.