I am allergic to cats. When I inhale their dander it's as if I come down with a cold. It's too bad also, since I like animals. I can relate to the strong immune system, for instance I've never had the flu in my entire life, nor a flu shot. The last time I was sick enough to visit a doctor was when I was 11 (I'm almost 26 now). The last time I went to the dentist, they couldn't figure out why my teeth were all perfect and disease free. That was a horrible experience, the dentists in that office all gathered around the chair looking in my mouth, poking and proding and interrigating me about what I ate and drank. I felt like one of those people who had been kidnapped by aliens and experimented on. Especially since the light they were using to look in my mouth was like some sort of artificial sun designed to burn my eyes out.
As far as the link between the autistic spectrum and seratonin regulation by the brain goes, I had gone on a lutein free diet several months back (I had read that lutein was a seratonin supressant, and that autistic physiology didn't break lutein down like NT's, thus the level of lutein in the autistic brain is greatly increased and the level of seratonin decreased, leading to a less emotion filled brain.) All I can say about the diet is I'm happier not being on it. The theory of food allergy seems sound, if our bodies don't break down lutein like everybody else and this leads to a decrease in seratonin (which I read also regulates mood) then our brains would be more freed up to process information instead of feel emotion. Socialising, from what I gather, seems to be an emotional need. If the need is not as great in us, then we don't socialise, and instead spend more time filling our head with information and developing our brains to be like computers. Ofcourse, I could also be rambling and be wrong. I do feel the need to socialise and be around other people, unfortunatley when I do I always feel like I'm trapped in a cage and surrounded by dangerous animals.