Wanted: Writers & Translators
Hello everyone,
two WikiBook about Asperger just started, and everyone is invited to contribute.
One is a book about Aspies - and by Aspies. This book is about Aspies defining themselves, instead of letting medical professionals do it. It is about first-head experience. And it is fun.
So if you like, check out
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Aspies_Book and write your book!
Secong is a science project. It is a WikiBook that translates major articles about Autism research into all kinds of languages. The book relies on the Autism and Computing theory, that is a theory of mind that not only explains autism, but all sorts of minds. The goal of this Wikibook is to make transkations avilable in every major world language. Please visit it at
Sorry, but again I'm a bit confused. Is this book separate from the one you posted a link to (the AFF book) or is it part of it? How do we submit to this book?
Also, I'm going to be nit-picky, and point out some spelling/grammar mistakes. I think that if we are going to present ourselves to the public, we should look as professional as possible (so in the future, maybe you should type entries in microsoft word and do spell/grammar checks and proofread before you post online). My revisions are in bold. If you don't mind, I would like to edit your entry on the wikibook to match the revisions I have below. I just wanted to check with you first before I went ahead and did it.
This Book takes Aspergia's idea of Re-branding Asperger's (http://www.aspergia.com) one step further. This Book is actually a book about Aspies, by Aspies and for Aspies.
It's time to define ourselves. Let's write The Aspies Book.
For more information see this post (http://www.wrongplanet.net/modules.php? ... pic&p=8090)
* Go to AFF Encyclopedia (http://aspiesforfreedom.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page)
What is it about?
Let's start with the obvious - nothing is obvious. Until today, there is no scientific consensus about what Asperger's Syndrome is. There is even no consensus what 'mind' is or how it works, nor what 'healthy' or 'normal' is supposed to be. Yet for some reason, medical professionls manage to say that for Apsies, all these categories - mind, health, normality - are different. Why is that so? What does it do?
There may not be a consensus among medics, but is there one among Aspies? Aspies are the true professionals. No one knows them as well as they do themselves. So what is this all about? This Book tries to address some of these issues.
* OVERLAP Between Alexithymia and Asperger's Syndrome
* The ADHD-Asperger-Autism Connection
* What an Aspie-friendly job looks like.
* What is non-verbal communication?
* Is playing Sims2 a great way of learning social skills?
* Possible Aspie strengths and weaknesses for employment.
* Famouse people associated with Asperger's.
* Autism, PDD, Hyperlexia, and Asperger's: treatment, therapy, and special education.
Check out the German Aspies Buch (http://de.wikibooks.org/wiki/Aspies_Buch)
I am sorry about my spelling/grammar mistakes. I will be more careful now. Thank you for reminding me on that issue. Please go ahead and change my entires if you like. That's why we have a Wiki, so we can continue to make things better. Feel free to ad content whenever you like!
I also have to admit that I am a bit undecided about having a WikiBook and the AFF Wiki. I thought a WikiBook ist good because we are going to have multilanguage support. On the other hands, Egnlish Wikis (AFF) and German Wikis (Aspie Net) are out there already. Do you have a suggestion about organizing the information into on book?