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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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06 Jan 2006, 1:39 pm

Is there anybody here that is both ADHD/ADD and AS? It is quite a combo. I am that "mix" myself.

ADD and Asperger's (or Autism) is an interesting mix... We are almost seen as "normal" becuase our perseverences are so complex... but we are so far out there. We don't really process human culture on a "sub aware" level. I am using the term Primal Human to describe the mix. There also seems to be a feeling of "elf" nature associated with it too :).

We are androgynous, silly, highly sexed and knowledge driven.

I am starting a site for us called We are different from ADD and AS...and there are many things I have discovered about us. Understanding is the key to a functional life. The more we share the more functional we will be. Read the front page description and if that sounds like you...register at the forums or leave something in the guest book and tell us about yourself. You can send an e-mail to me: [email protected].



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06 Jan 2006, 1:59 pm



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06 Jan 2006, 2:00 pm

There are quite a few people on here with a similar mix.

I show some ADD signs, myself, though am undxed and likely to remain so. It isn't severe enough for me to seek treatment other than the accomodations I get for Aspergers through my university anyways.

Even though the DSM says you can't have both, I think that's absolutely ridiculous, with plenty of people to prove otherwise on this site alone.

I would hesitate in calling myself "highly sexed" though.

My Science blog, Science Over a Cuppa -

My partner's autism science blog, Cortical Chauvinism -


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06 Jan 2006, 2:32 pm

Chain,are you a member of addforums under the same nickname?

I am officially diagnosed as having ADHD[combined type] and AS,but I and others think I was diagnosed with the wrong ASD,not that it matters much apart from getting support anyway.

I wouldn't agree with any of the description here as a description of myself,and there's only a few things on the site itself I am,as for being seen as almost normal,i've always been judged as the complete opposite (my mum once thought I was possessed by a devil) :lol:
What is a simple definition/description of primal?
Dictionary definition isn't specific enough for me,

>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
>>>help to keep bullying off our community,report it!

Snowy Owl
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06 Jan 2006, 2:46 pm

Yes..I am the same person...and I should take back the term "highly sexed" ...I just do not have the proper words to describe what it is I am talking about. Although people that would be considered "primal" probably would understand...

Not all people diagnosed with both ADD and AS are going to fit this specific description. The problem is that ADD and AS are poorly defined as neurological differences from "the norm". What this is...would be termed IR+CM+ (Extreme internal reference or reality building devoid of cultural abstraction) with a brain that is highly context oriented.

I personally do not believe in "disorders" but functional types. I feel that dysfunction is rampant.

The people that understand what is on that page and can relate will be able to find support there. Primal simply means that we are non-cultural even though we seem to be that way. In a sense connected heavily back into nature. I have met very few people like this.

Oh by the way...feel free to just view me as a nut....I am getting rather used to it :)

Snowy Owl
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06 Jan 2006, 2:52 pm

Also...many primals may only be diagnosed as one, the other or neither.

It is a very odd "difference" to be this... The ADD predominates though.


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06 Jan 2006, 2:54 pm

Looks interesting......

Dx'd ADD, self DX'd AS here

Snowy Owl
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06 Jan 2006, 3:00 pm

Lurker... Another similarity I have been noticing is an interest in photography, lol

One of the signs is looking into the face of the Mona Lisa and seeing a visual message that her face conveys.

We tend to have Mona Lisa type facial expression.

Sea Gull
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06 Jan 2006, 3:57 pm

I have been diagnosed with ADD. I suspect that I may have AS as well.

The primary problem I have is to want to do things quickly. My fiance has MS and OCD, so she needs and prefers to go slowly. This tends to create a great deal of friction.

Sexually, I'd say I'm about average, though I do masturbate about 2-3X/day.

Snowy Owl
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06 Jan 2006, 5:28 pm

On the sexual is not so much being "horny" as it is being unable to figure out why our sexuality is so curious, open and strong. NTs often see sex as a good vs. evil kind of thing then cheat on their partners with peruvian circus midgets because it is "taboo". I am less likely to have a strange "perversion"...but also sex has no "moral implication" associated with it at all. I just never "downloaded" the cultural templates that turn sex into anything other than an impulse.

It is part of my life...I also do not understand relationships in the cultural way. I have never felt comfortable with "partners" but much more with friends.

Basically the primal human has no culture that is not on "an aware level". We are amoral but highly ethical. (if morals are cuturally shared rules)

It is a strange thing...


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06 Jan 2006, 7:34 pm

Except for the sex thing, that fits me perfectly. I've been dx'd lots of stuff, it's all in my profile. I would have to say that ADD/ADHD is the base for my personality, my speech pattern and behavior are atypical ADHD. But my thinking and emotional is mainly AS. Hmm...

Another similarity I have been noticing is an interest in photography

I love photography, especially taking candid shots of people and pictures of nature. Art is also something I enjoy, I could stare at a painting all day analysing everything down to the tiniest feature.
We are androgynous, silly, highly sexed and knowledge driven.

I know you took it back, but what does "highly sexed" mean? As for androgynous, I'm not sure I understand the definiton I read of that. Although there's plenty of gender boundaries I tend to cross without thinking when it comes to what I'll wear or do just to freak people out. But I know I'm very knowledge driven. Curiosity, especially understanding people's motives and social structure, is a passion of mine.
Primal simply means that we are non-cultural even though we seem to be that way. In a sense connected heavily back into nature.

I admit I don't really fit into any given type of sub-culture, but I don't understand the whole "connected heavily back into nature" thing.
But that description on the website is very dead on, I need a more detailed description.



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06 Jan 2006, 9:44 pm

Chain wrote:
Yes..I am the same person...and I should take back the term "highly sexed" ...I just do not have the proper words to describe what it is I am talking about. Although people that would be considered "primal" probably would understand...

The phrase "high libido" or "high sex drive" might do if you're using the connotation I assume you mean.


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07 Jan 2006, 12:37 am

I have the symptoms of ADHD---primarily inattentive type. I don't have any of the hyperactivity or impulsivity symptoms.

Technically, according to the DSM-IV-TR, if any of the criteria for inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity are satisfied but occur "exclusively during the course of a pervasive developmental disorder" (e.g. Asperger Syndrome), then AD/HD diagnosis is ruled out.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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11 Jan 2006, 6:29 pm

Hi Sarcastic,

Sarcastic_Name wrote:
I know you took it back, but what does "highly sexed" mean? As for androgynous, I'm not sure I understand the definiton I read of that. Although there's plenty of gender boundaries I tend to cross without thinking when it comes to what I'll wear or do just to freak people out. But I know I'm very knowledge driven. Curiosity, especially understanding people's motives and social structure, is a passion of mine.

The "highly sexed" thing really does not describe what I am trying to say... I am a writer that does not think well in words :)

I would have to say...we do not have culturally imposed values on sexuality. Now...male primals tend to be more stifled in their sexuality than females... It is due to the cultural's odd views on sexuality. We "generally" are afraid to hurt women with our sexuality so we block it out. I have finally been healing in that area...(I had the requisite relationship with a Narcissist woman...that kills it out very fast). Women primals have lots of sexual opportunity and use it...but at some point they feel bad because of it. Culture is REALLY messed up about sex. Once you break through your culturally imposed fears...the natural sexuality is strong but VERY controled.

The androgeny is cultural. Gender difference ride close to the brain on this. Yeah...we dress generally male or female but internally have a primal gender ID...that is so different from cultural ideas... nurturing men and strong women...the main thing is...we are very very feeling regardless of gender and very very strong as well.

Even our physical builds are different... not fat, not skinny...even layering of fat...lots of odd stuff :)

"connected heavily back into nature"

This is hard to discern at first...but when you do not process are connected into the thing that most humans avoid. Nature.... I can read animals better than people most of the time :) It is a process of discovery.

Keep checking back at the page. I am swamped at the moment so it is going slow. I will have a community portal up soon. The idea is not to seperate from these excellent support forums but discover what it is to be us...we are pure paradox...we seem normal to many people...but very odd at the same time because they have no point of reference to catagorize us, lol!

Snowy Owl
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11 Jan 2006, 6:42 pm

foxysalamander wrote:
I have the symptoms of ADHD---primarily inattentive type. I don't have any of the hyperactivity or impulsivity symptoms.

Technically, according to the DSM-IV-TR, if any of the criteria for inattention and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity are satisfied but occur "exclusively during the course of a pervasive developmental disorder" (e.g. Asperger Syndrome), then AD/HD diagnosis is ruled out.

This is what I display... the DSM is a mess

I have built cognitive models...some of which are here:

The main thing about "impulsivity" is that all humans are impulse driven... the impulsive people that the DSM talks about are the ones not driven by group joining impulses.

4 social impulses

Acceptance/Group Joining (Neurotypical and Majority of AS (Groups that are devoid of NTs))
Understanding/Knowledge Gathering (ADD)
Respect/ Status Driven (NPD)
Abstraction/Rules and posession driven (ASPD/Psychopath)

Every human has one of these as a primary impulse. It is determined by the way neurotransmitters are configured in the brain.
In intense periods of stress the impulse of Attention/Self Protection becomes primary. (Borderline Personality)

So if we are ADD then we are knowledge gatherers driven by a nned for understanding (we feel loved this way)
If we are ADD and AS then there are very few people that understand us and we do not know what it is like to feel truly loved. Scared of groups yet drawn to people.

My friend calls us "Elfies"...I think that is a great term :)


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11 Jan 2006, 7:06 pm

I'm not like the sex thing. I find logic in the way the Christian religion has it set up. It prevents spread of disease, there's no standard of how "good" sex is because it's always with the same person, you know who's kid is who's, etc. Not saying I don't have impulses similar to what you're describing, but relying on instinct alone is a bad idea sometimes. I'm logical, as is my views on sex. After rereading what you said, I'm still not sure what your view of sex is. This group you're describing simply sounds like a ADH(D)/AS mix. If you want to give a name to it, you could at least back it up with some research and evidence it really exists. I've been here long enough to see members of groups like this come in and post about something along these lines, Star Children come to mind. While what you're describing is not as much spiritual (if at all), but more mental, it's hard to convince me without backing up waht you're saying. I realize the DSM is more than messed up, but it has years of research (etc.) to back it up. You have...what? You seem to be somewhat confused by the DSM, which is something I myslef might consider buying (or finding free) if I get the chance. I admit it kind of sucks to have a list of dx's rather than one word to describe you, but to change a system you have to first fully understand it. Going around and making groups like this won't change much. For all you know, the DSM might already have a word for you, or one in the works. I don't know what you're studying, but if you want me to take you seriously, get a degree in something.
