KingdomOfRats wrote:
Belfast,would you ever try IV-sedation?
It doesn't make the person unconcious,like general anesthetic,it blocks the memory so that there is no knowledge of the injection,or any of the treatment happening-it seems exactly like general anesthetic but the person isn't unconcious/it gives a nice feeling when it's first injected,and's like waking up later,without having been asleep and being oblivious to what went on,so there would be no risk of never waking up as it isn't like a G/A,I think the only risks are having an allergic reaction to the drugs,but they should ask about this at the beginning,plus they do have blood pressure monitors attatched and might test sugar levels etc before starting it.
Doubt I could deal with all this. The more complexity involved the more reluctant I am to consider a method. Cost is also issue, machines & staff-my appointments are pricey enough already.
KingdomOfRats wrote:
As for the injection,would you be able to tolerate an injection in the back of the hand,or arm?
No, needles are bad but a needle stuck in me & left there the whole time-OMG. Couldn't stand idea/sensation of stuff continually injected into my body. It's way too much ongoing violation/offense against my bodily integrity, which is being overly compromised & manhandled.
KingdomOfRats wrote:
The hand is the most likeliest part they'd do it in,but what they do first is tap the spot for a while which confuses the nerves signals and dulls any feeling from the needle,and a topical anesthetic could be asked to be rubbed on first,if they have it.
Don't want to come across as ungrateful for rejecting well-intended suggestion.
Surprised I've been unable to find more info. on AS dx'd people & their (our) problems with dentistry. Is this so uncommon, or under-reported, or (as is the case w/many AS issues) only addressed in children ?
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*