Will I ever find a girlfriend like me? - part 2

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 May 2009, 7:19 pm

Hi there again

So, anyway, back to what I was saying. I am planning to move to
Florida when I get my Social Security Disabliity Insurance in 3
years. I'll be getting it via my dad, who has worked for 45 years,
so I will qualify under his work record.

Anyway, I am getting really annoyed that I cannot find a girlfriend like me. My parents recently got these season passes for Six Flags
Discovery Kingdom (in Vallejo, California). The thing is I can
invite friends, but I only have one friend my age, and he's 24,
and he'll probably find me very boring actually. The last time I
went to an amusement park with him (Traintown in Sonoma,
California, which is more for little kids 2-5 years old) he was
bored to tears along with his girlfriend. And the thing is that
since I don't have a girlfriend, then I am going to end following
my parents around everywhere in the damned amusment park.

Eventually after Florida, once I stay in FLA for 3 years or 4 years
and get my fun at Walt Disney World (maybe I'll go every other
day perhaps??), I will then move to probably either Greenville,
South Carolina or Greenville, North Carolina. That is where I
want to live the rest of my life, in the Carolinas. I depend on
community support, and I need that because of my disability,
so if something happens like I get injured, my neighbors will
give a hoot about me and try to help me. Or if I run into some
kind of trouble whatever it may be. For me, community support
is SOOO much more important than medical support. At this
age (I'm 33), it's more of an issue about community support
than any medical support. It's too late for me, I wasn't diagnosed
till age 26, but early intervention could AND HAS helped and almost cured some Asperger's patients. I've actually met a few
that have been almost cured.

Does anyone know any girl or anybody that is like me?? I have a friend who I talk to on the phone that knows someone who is like a 4 year old too, but this person is only 14 years old, so
she's totally out of the possibility. Anyone know a girl over age 18
with autism who functions like a 4 1/2 year old emotionally/socially
and somewhat mentally.

Also, I didn't mention that I like baby toys and children's toys.
This is something that makes people think I'm out of my mind
when they see me playing with children's toys at the store or
Wal Mart or whatever have you. And they don't realize that I
can't help myself. And, I suppose I have changed over time,
slightly. The last time I wrote on this bulletin board I had a pacifier. I was sucking a pacifier for about 20 years, however,
I actually stopped using one last spring. It wasn't that easy, but
I was able to quit. But take me to a toy store or Wal Mart or
anywhere like that and I will play with baby toys. Sometimes I
think if I was a 4 year old physically (albeit a proportionate
dwarf that was 3 feet 4 inches and looked like a 4 year old)
then people would leave me alone thinking I was a little boy
and would mind their own friggin business.

Most of all, I'm tired of being alone. Everyone seems to get
a girlfriend but me. Maybe I'm not really looking for a girlfriend.
More like I'm looking for a playmate! !! If I have
a girlfriend or a wife, I don't expect her to cook, I don't
expect anything. All I want is a girlfriend that will enjoy doing
things with me like riding in kiddie rides in amusement parks,
like listening to oldies 1950s-1970s music, like watching the
same TV shows together (eg. Beauty and the Beast movie,
Disney movies, Teletubbies, Barney, Care Bears, Little Bear,
etc), going out to dinner together. I don't cook myself. When I
lived in university, I went out and ate every night. Ended up
costiing about $400 a month, but that's affordable if I get
SSDI. Basically, in the end, I just want a playmate. Sure, I could
always adopt a child , but as I am single, who is going
to give me a child, and secondly, even if that did happen,
that child is going to grow up. Sure I could have a lot of fun
with a 4 year old, but 4 years old GROW UP! ! They
become 8, then 12, then 18, then 24 years old. So that would
only be a temporary solution. I want a permanent solution!!
I guess I am unlucky in the aspect I am like a 4 1/2 - 5 year old
(everyone says that I'm like a 4 1/2 year old including friends
and instructors from community college that have known me for
15 years. If you spent 24 hours around me, you would quickly
realize I am indeed much like a 4 1/2 year old, at least socially
and emotionally, and perhaps somewhat mentally in some way.
My IQ is low average). I guess I'm unlucky being like a 4 1/2
year old because most people here on Wrongplanet are more
like a 15-18 year old maturitywise, and so I don't expect miracles to happen, but maybe someone here knows someone who is
like me, some relative or a friend that they could hook me up

I'm just very frustrated with my life, period. Sometimes I feel
like pedophiles and murderers have been treated better than me,
as most ex-cons can even find a job and have a girlfriend, and
how many killers have you heard of that have girlfriends. A LOT.
No one has ever said that I am worse than a pedophile or a
murderer to pick as a boyfriend, but it didn't need to be said.
It was implied.
But me, heck no. People probably can tell right away that I am
autistic right away, without even speaking to me, because of
how I walk and my mannerisms and the way I look (I'm 33,
but I look like I'm 22).

Can any of you help me??


Preston from San Jose, California

24 May 2009, 7:41 pm

I would stop doing certain things in public such as playing with toys and start doing them in private such as your own home. There are things I won't do in public such as I going out with a pacifier in my mouth or dressed up as a big baby. There are things about myself I am not embarrassed about such as buying childish things. I don't care what people think because how do they know I am not buying them for my own child or for someone else's child or for my little brother and sister?

Did you stop using a pacifier because of other people?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 May 2009, 8:39 pm

How can I not stop playing with baby toys when I see them?
They are irresistable to me. And also, please do not even
MENTION "Big baby". There are people that would probably
assume (if they didn't read what I wrote), that I have some
sort of fetish, some sort of infantilism (adult baby) fetish where
people wear diapers for a sexual reason. I actually get annoyed
by "adult babies" because by doing this they seem to insult
people like me and others who have more severe autism that
cannot help being like a little kid. It's so easy for them, they
can be an adult IF THEY WANT TO. Me, I don't have that option.
They can hold a job and have a normal life if they want to. I
can't. That's a big difference. And also, they wear a diaper
and all this for sexual reasons, whereas I totally get no pleasure
out of behaving like a 4 year old. So please, please, anyone
who reads this, please note I am NOT an adult baby or an
infantilist. If I was, I would have TONS of friends, because they
are plenty of places on the internet (groups, chats) for adult
babies. I don't even wear a diaper, and I didn't even when I
was 4 years old...I was potty trained by age 3.

I don't care if the AB/DL community wants to have a fetish
with diapers, but that's their problem. It's not mine.
Whatever floats their boat, but don't expect ME to be part of



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24 May 2009, 9:08 pm

So, you've socially developed to around age 4... and you want a gf... That's a tough one... I would say try online dating, but that could turn out disastrous in your situation. BTW, your post was way too long, so I didn't bother to read it all... You may want to try going to autism meet ups and try to find a female there that is like you, I can't think of anywhere else that has someone so young minded who is not young minded specifically for sexual gratification. Other than that, good luck.

24 May 2009, 9:19 pm

I did not even think of you as being an adult baby and it's not always sexual for everyone who is kid at heart (didn't you read my other helpful response to your other first post). You asked for help so I offered you some. It's called will power to work on things such as working on not doing certain things in public because of stupid people. Yes I call everyone stupid who is ignorant and intolerant of certain people and expect us to be mind readers and psychics. I also hate people who are intolerant of AB and DL's. My god I hope you aren't that. Where did I mention about you wearing diapers? I never even brought that up, you just did. And my god do you think diaper fetish and infantilism is a choice? I have tried getting rid of my diaper fetish when I was 12 because my mom made me feel ashamed about it so I learned to block it out of my mind so I lived in denial for five years but obviously I was still into them because I kept thinking about them and reading stories about people wearing them so obviously I was still into them. I have seen adult babies on forums talking about trying to get rid of their baby desires but couldn't because it was still in their brain. May sound BS but it's true. Just like people don't choose to be gay or bi or straight. I have even seen people trying to get rid of their diaper desires too but couldn't. Sure they can choose to not act on it but it still be there but they are just living in denial then and lying to themselves like I did for five years. But if they admit they are into it, then they aren't lying then and being in denial but can still say they want no part of it and boycott the community but it is very hard to stay away from it. Even I failed to stay away from it in my teens because I lived five years sneaking it on the internet until I was caught. Of course when I first got into it at age nine, I thought I was alone and I don't think it was a fetish then because I was just a little kid. it was more about wanting to feel safe again and go back to where I wasn't bullied and where my life wasn't so hard and difficult because I wasn't teased and bullied then and I didn't need to go to school and I didn't have homework then and I didn't have as much responsibilities and things were just easier then. I think that's what started this for me; years of being an outcast and different and the way I was treated by other kids, my mind took this pathway and made me this way and I've learned to accept it because I am not hurting anyone. It's my own business and it's harmless. I have heard people are born with the fetish but I don't find it true because people have developed it later in life, some don't even get into it until their adulthood. I do know I liked diapers when I was really young and liked peeing in pull ups when I was 6, 7 and 8 but I didn't do it very often. I don't consider that as being into diapers because I had no desire to wear then until age nine.

You do have two choices, work on not caring what people think and start calling them stupid like I do or work on not playing them them in public. I go with option number one usually.

I'm sorry if you don't always find everyone's advice helpful but no need to get defensive man. I called myself a big baby, not you. I do have adult baby clothes (that's what they are called) I won on ebay but I wouldn't wear in public with them. I'm not brave enough, plus it make the AB/DL community look bad. Only days I'd do it is on Halloween because people would just think it's my costume and anyone who thought I was a sicko and didn't believe me it was my costume, they are stupid then and wouldn't have a problem telling them that to their face they are.

Put it this way, asking for help and advice, is like a parent reading a parenting magazine or a book on how to raise a child but not every advice in that book is going to work with their child because every kid is different and not all parents agree with certain methods. I can remember my mother threatening to send my brothers and I to bed without dinner as a punishment and she did that because she read that in a book on how to discipline her kids but then her sense caught up to her because she realized how dumb that advice is because not giving your kids food just makes it worse because without food, they would be more cranky and have a harder time sleeping, etc.


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24 May 2009, 9:56 pm

yes go to an autism support group with real live people. If there are no girls there go to another support group, if there is one there and she is taken or doesnt like you then BEAT HER ASS....naw lol just playing, move on...there's nothing you can do. But dont try any online dating sites because women tend to be a little flakey on those sites, autistic or not, all women are flakey.

This is why you need to get in her face and talk to her, so try to find support groups near you. Forget about online dating,women are too flakey on there and i wouldnt try girls on WP, they are extra flakey.

You'll get more out of a flakey girl by talking to her in her face, than you will from the straight forward girl online.

and like I've always been told.

You'll get more out of the girl that likes you, than the girl that you like :wink: ! !


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24 May 2009, 11:12 pm

Geowhizkid26 wrote:

Anyway, I am getting really annoyed that I cannot find a girlfriend like me. My parents recently got these season passes for Six Flags
Discovery Kingdom (in Vallejo, California). The thing is I can
invite friends, but I only have one friend my age, and he's 24,
and he'll probably find me very boring actually. The last time I
went to an amusement park with him (Traintown in Sonoma,
California, which is more for little kids 2-5 years old) he was
bored to tears along with his girlfriend. And the thing is that
since I don't have a girlfriend, then I am going to end following
my parents around everywhere in the damned amusment park.

I'd try and ask your friend if he wants to go to Six Flags with you. I'm sure he'll be far more interested in a park with more rides suited for adults than a park that's strictly more for little kids. It was no wonder he was bored to death if all the rides at the train park were tailored only for pre-schoolers.


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25 May 2009, 1:36 pm

I like to think I'm somewhat normal and I can't even find a girl like me.

The majority of people with habits you expressed really probably wouldn't even be searching for what you do.

It's one in a million, but certainly there could be someone out there.

If Jesus died for my sins, then I should sin as much as possible, so he didn't die for nothing.

Tufted Titmouse
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25 May 2009, 9:34 pm

Spokane Girl - I do not hate AB/DLs. It's just sometimes that
I don't get this adult baby stuff. But at the same time, I am
perfectly content to let whoever wants to be an adult baby
enjoy themselves. Whatever floats their boat. I am not here
to judge anyone. I don't judge anyone even criminals because
no matter who you are, no one absolutely NO ONE is perfect.
I have friends who I know are homosexual, no problem.
I have friends who have all sorts of problems. Actually, the
people I really can't stand is people who are judgemental
themselves. There is only one group of people I will judge
and those are people that are judgemental themselves. I've
stuck up for adult babies at times on places on the internet,
although I'm not in the adult baby lifestyle nor do I wear
diapers. Oh I understand about the big baby clothes. I actually
wanted a lady on Ebay to actually make me a pair of
longalls (she does it usually for toddlers and preschoolers), she
said she would be willing to do it for $113, and I am going to
take her up on her deal. Although I am not an adult baby,
this is for my 4 year old personality and that I never wore
longalls as a child. They are really pretty stuff. Moms will
dress their little boys up in longalls in the Deep South along
with t-strap Mary Janes. SOOOO adorable.

Padium, Jemir and 886 - thanks for your help, but you're
actually making me more despondent by saying that I will
never find a girlfriend. And 886, with you being near normal
and still unable to find a girlfriend, I have to wonder about
my chances, they are probably close to zero.

Raised by Ignorance - yes, I could take my 24 year old
NT friend Caleb to Six Flags with me. Yes, it isn't like
Traintown in Sonoma and it's more for the entire family.
But still, you don't see, I dont' think it's going to be fun for
Caleb. Because even though Six Flags Discovery Kingdom has
adult rides teen rides such as roller coasters, I certainly will
not go on anything like that with him. So with me riding on
"kiddie Rides" and with him riding on adult rides, there's no way
we will be even together. He won't enjoy it, and when I
talked him today, he was playing World of Warcraft. I don't
think he's even remotely interested in going there with me,
because I asked him, and he was very dull about the idea. And
he's also worried because he's joining the Navy ROTC in
state university, so that's another thing. I actually thought about
joining the Air Force myself before I was diagnosed with
Autism, but I know now they definitely will NOT take me. First
I have autism, and I behave like a 4 year old. Definitely not
Air Force material. I think the mere fact I have autism will
throw me out as a potential Air Force officer to begin with.

Jemir - you're right in a way. Girls only want the bad boys it
seems like. That would explain why there are so many wife
beaters pieces of s__t like that that have girlfriends, and so
many nice men don't. I had a friend who said that all the
married women complain about how lousy their husbands are
while all the unmarried women complain the good men are
taken, which proves there is no such thing as a good man. LOL!
Well, a lot of ladies are missing out on being treated like
a princess and with respect. That's sad for them, and sad for
me too. :(


25 May 2009, 9:54 pm

I think the kind of girl you need is another girl who is child like and likes little kid things. You might even have to go for a adult baby girl or a girl who likes to be a little girl but they are real hard to find since lot of them don't like talking to men because they just ignore their IMs or emails or PMs.

What I don't understand is why don't you like bigger rides? Are they too extreme for you? Do they tickle your tummy too much? I know I have gone on bigger rides even at four years old. I can remember going on a ride that spins with my dad and I can remember going on the scrambler and Tilt o Whirl with my cousins in Wisconsin. I was pretty tall for my age so I was able to get on those rides at four years old. Now that I am older, I feel motion sickness with rides and my tummy seems to be more tender so it tickles easily. I don't enjoy rides as much like I did when I was a child. I still go on them but I won't go on any that will make my tummy tickle. I am never going on the octopus again. My dad told me I went on it once when I was about four and I got scared. I have no memory of that but I went on it in Spokane and I didn't like it.

Emu Egg
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15 Apr 2011, 7:55 am

almost I am very scared of amusement parks but I was told by a doctor i might have aspergers but i went to him for anxiety and depression y would he even mention it if he didnt formally diagnose me I also love tele tubbys blues clues footy pjs y is that y cant i grow up i am 27 male looking for a girl friend my own age 27 years old

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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15 Apr 2011, 7:56 am

almost I am very scared of amusement parks but I was told by a doctor i might have aspergers but i went to him for anxiety and depression y would he even mention it if he didnt formally diagnose me I also love tele tubbys blues clues footy pjs y is that y cant i grow up i am 27 male looking for a girl friend my own age 27 years old