Yeah well the island isn't such a good idea we don't need another "lost" series about real life, however I really suggested the idea because of what was previeously mentioned, in we all have great aspects among ourselves that put together; were almost a huge brain, and because I love my parents, but they don't understand me and probably never will, they have changed since my diagnosis and it's sad but I'm done trying with them, I'm very alone in life right now, I don't have a GF, couldn't get one of I tried I'm so oblivious to almost every expression of emotion and body language it's not even funny, *laugh*, anyways and I've got but one sibling who is 5 I'm 15, know one in my whole family tree has AS either. I've come accustom to it however I can't say I'm to happy? I've seen slot of things in 15 years some really bad things and good things, and I mean bad, mental hospitals not a great place to sleep! I have now come to a point where I need someone like me to lean on but no one is here so I was just thinking of the idea of a sub community?
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein