MattShizzle wrote:
Maybe "Christian Day" could be made the anniversary of the start of the Spanish Inquisition, or the Witch Hunts, or the wars against indigenous people in the Americas, Africa and Australia...
I'm not sure that the things done to Australian Aborigines were done on religious grounds.
I think it was just that they had the best bits of land in an otherwise arid climate. So our ancestors "invaded" and pushed them out into the desert. I'm not suggesting that it wasn't a "naughty" thing to do but wasn't that how all invasions worked in those days? It was sort of considered "legal".'
The taking kids off them business (Stolen Generation) only applied as follows; (I think)...
1. Only if the child was half-caste (ie: from one white and one aboriginal parent).
2. On the grounds that they could be "domesticated" better in white society.
I think that the intentions may have sounded good on paper until you realise that these are people you're dealing with.
Of course, my Australian history isn't brilliant, so I could be totally wrong.