Alex Plank
Atypical’s 2nd Season is a Step Forward in Autism Representation
By Alex Plank on September 30, 2018

In a Different Key – Interview with John Donvan and Caren Zucker
By Alex Plank on July 20, 2016

Alex Plank – Creating Authentic Autistic Characters on Television
By Alex Plank on October 31, 2013

And he even talks about how he watched TV as a child and used characters on TV as a model to learn social skills and how there...
FX’s The Bridge – Alex Plank Interviews Diane Kruger: Asperger’s & Sonya Cross
By Alex Plank on July 10, 2013

The Bridge premieres today July 10th at 10pm on FX! The Bridge follows the story of Sonya Cross and Marco Ruiz, two detectives from both...
Speak Up & Speak Out – Alex Plank Keynote – Autism Talk TV 22
By Alex Plank on November 23, 2012
Unlike most of the conferences Alex speaks at, Speak Up and Speak Out isn't specific to Autism or Asperger's. In fact, the conference was attended...
Wrong Planet founder Alex Plank interviewed on the radio
By Alex Plank on October 30, 2006
I was interviewed on Monday by Michael Boll of Autism Podcast. He asked me about, autism, and my life as a successful individual with Asperger's Syndrome. The interview is an interesting look into the person behind Wrong Planet (me).I think we had a great interview and I really enjoyed reminiscing about my early childhood experiences, which many of you will definitely relate to. Also, we touched on what it's like to run a...