By Alex Plank on October 10, 2018
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People on the autism spectrum usually have one or more sensory issues. Mine happens to be a sensitivity to sounds, especially bass. Because of this I’ve tried a variety of things to make life bearable ranging from soundproofing my apartment, using white noise machines or fans to sleep, and getting noise cancelling headphones as well […]
asperger autism bose headphones noise Parenting qc20 qc25 qc35 sensory Toys
By Alex Plank on September 30, 2018
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My criticisms of Atypical’s freshman season were certainly no secret, as I shared my feelings both publicly in various news outlets and privately with Robia Rashid, the show’s creator. At the time, I mentioned that a lot of issues could be fixed, but my biggest problem with season one was the lack of autistic […]
Alex Plank asperger autism autistic Autistic Brains Entertainment Wrong Planet
By John Marble on June 28, 2017
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Our team used to hate conversations like the one below. We really did. “That’s really incredible,” said a well-meaning educator who had called in April about our Autism Advantage program, which runs six-week training cohorts for autistic individuals around specific talent sets. “I’m searching for a program which can teach autistic people acceptable behavior for […]
asperger autism Autistic Brains interview jobs neurodiversity Social Skills
By Jeffrey Deutsch on August 28, 2015
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Wouldn’t it be nice if we had job alarms just like we have burglar and fire alarms? Some things are obvious. For example, if you’re a computer programmer and you’ve been asked to compile a program that does X, Y and Z, you find out soon enough. Other things are not quite so obvious. Like how […]
asperger autism careers jobs work
By RobertLovesPi on February 14, 2015
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Throughout this post, I will refer to people with Asperger’s as “Aspies.” This is not considered a derogatory term; it’s simply how we refer to ourselves. First, we are not stupid. We also are not trying to be difficult when we say we don’t understand you. We don’t have a disease, and the vast majority […]
asperger autism Language literal phrases Social Skills