By Alex Plank on October 10, 2018
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People on the autism spectrum usually have one or more sensory issues. Mine happens to be a sensitivity to sounds, especially bass. Because of this I’ve tried a variety of things to make life bearable ranging from soundproofing my apartment, using white noise machines or fans to sleep, and getting noise cancelling headphones as well […]
asperger autism bose headphones noise Parenting qc20 qc25 qc35 sensory Toys
By Alex Plank on September 30, 2018
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My criticisms of Atypical’s freshman season were certainly no secret, as I shared my feelings both publicly in various news outlets and privately with Robia Rashid, the show’s creator. At the time, I mentioned that a lot of issues could be fixed, but my biggest problem with season one was the lack of autistic […]
Alex Plank asperger autism autistic Autistic Brains Entertainment Wrong Planet
By John Marble on June 28, 2017
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Our team used to hate conversations like the one below. We really did. “That’s really incredible,” said a well-meaning educator who had called in April about our Autism Advantage program, which runs six-week training cohorts for autistic individuals around specific talent sets. “I’m searching for a program which can teach autistic people acceptable behavior for […]
asperger autism Autistic Brains interview jobs neurodiversity Social Skills
By Alex Plank on September 8, 2016
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This is an excerpt of Steve Silberman’s award-winning book NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, which was recently published in paperback. This section of a chapter called “In Autistic Space” describes how adults on the spectrum became early adopters of the Internet, using it to share stories of their lives, build […]
autism autistic neurodiversity neurotribes steve silberman
By Alex Plank on August 17, 2016
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Many people are calling this the most important election of our lives. That’s certainly true for me because I’m autistic. This is the first election in the history of the United States where disability rights and autism are playing a central role. This is the first election where individuals with disabilities have been in the […]
autism CripTheVote disability rights election Politics
By Alex Plank on January 5, 2016
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I’m excited to share the news that Autism Talk TV host and Wrong Planet contributor Jack Robison has joined the LBRY project as a core developer. Jack is a great guy and incredibly passionate about technology and science. Here is the announcement from LBRY: Today, we officially announce the addition of Jack Robison to […]
autism autistic jack robison Technology